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Iruka POV

I woke up and took a shower then got dressed "Good morning" I heard I turned around to see Kakashi I wanna say that was his name "Oh, Good morning Kakashi how did you sleep" I asked "I slept great um Iruka? Right" he asked in response "Yes my name is Iruka but you can call me anything you'd like" I said "Mmm how about Ruka I think it fits you perfectly" he said I blushed at the name "Would you like to help me with breakfast?" I asked "Sure I don't see why not". We made our way to the kitchen and prepared breakfast we made Eggs, Bacon, Grits, and Kakashi showed me how to make biscuits. "Thank you for the assistance Kakashi" I said "It was my pleasure Ruka this was fun" he stated "Indeed it was" Kakashi gave me a close eyed smile and then helped me set the table.

After we set the table there was a knock at the door "I'll get it" I said as I made my way to the door. "Hey Iruka" He said "Ah, Kurama how was it." I asked "Uneventful there was nothing to catch so I came back" he replied "Well we have company and we just finished making breakfast. You should unpack and come back down to eat." I told him "Ah you in love with one of the guest already hmm" I flushed "N-No" I said as we walked to the dining room "Your back, who is he" Kakashi asked "Oh this is Kurama, and I didn't mean for you to set everything up without me" I told Kakashi as I helped him bring the rest of the food to the table "It's really no problem Ruka I'm glad I come help"

Kurama POV

"Ugh can you stop flirting over the food" I asked making Iruka turn red and this Kakashi dude to blush light pink "I'll go get everyone for breakfast" Kakashi said as he rushed up the stairs "So y'all getting married or~" I teased Iruka "SHUT UP" I chuckled at him. Once everyone got to the dining room table everyone introduced them self's "Oh how could we forget the lovely couple" Neji said looking at Kushina and Minato "Their married" he added "Hey as long as he ain't freaky I'm good with him." Kushina then flushed and Minato smirked "AYE YO I SEE Y'ALL" I yelled everyone saw what I saw but only the dirty minded understood.

After meeting everyone I went to my room to lay down at about noon I woke up because Naruto was shaking me "Kura wake up." He repeated "What kit" I asked "Let's go to the waterfall and snack" he said. "Kit ask someone else I'm tired I just got back this morning" He frowned "Fine" he turned around to leave "Kit" I said "Yeah" "I'll take you to the clearing on Wednesday so we can watch the sunrise ok" he beamed "Okie" He walked out and went to find someone else to bother while I went back to sleep.

Naruto POV

I left kura to sleep the only person I haven't asked was that Sasuke kid I found him watching TV in the tv room "Hey Sasuke" I greeted "Hey" He was so dull "I know you might not wanna but do you wanna go see a waterfall with me? We can swim and eat snacks." I said hoping he'd say yes "I don't see why not. Seems like fun and it sounds calming." He said causing me to smile "Great I'll see you at the door then we can go" I said "Alright"

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