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Iruka POV

Oh wow that was unexpected "So at least I didn't try to sneak up on him" This is gonna be interesting

Kakashi: I never tried that
Itachi: So what happened this morning
Kakashi: I was half sleep
Itachi: Sure
Kakashi: Why were you coming out of Deidara's room that once then uh
Itachi: Same reason you came out of Iruka's
Kakashi: I refuse to believe you and Deidara cooked together considering you came out by yourself
Itachi: Tryna say you can't pull out
Kakashi: If I wanted to pull out I would have pulled out
Itachi: So you weak and can't break backs I got you
Kakashi: Wanna bet on that
Iruka: Wait let's not get outta hand here
Itachi: Actually I do
Kakashi: How long we talking
Iruka: Never would be nice
Itachi: 2 Days max
Kakashi: That's it? I can go for a week
Iruka: I like my back intact thanks
Itachi: Fine 1 whole week
Kakashi: Bet
Iruka: How about we don't
Itachi: I'll give you 10 yen for everyday he can't walk
Kakashi: Don't tempt me
Itachi: Take it or leave it Kakashi
Iruka: Leave it
Kakashi: Take it
Iruka: Sweet mother of kami

I got my hopes to high this was NOT interesting it was a death bed sigh. Kakashi got up and came towards me so I got up to run "GO IRUKA GO" Kushina and Deidara said in unison I turned around and there he was "K-Kakashi w-we c-can t-talk a-about t-this right" He smirked. "You know I am feeling a bit" He paused "Nice?" I questioned he leaned into my ear "Hungry". I've never sensed so much venom and hunger  in ones voice it was frightening. "I pray for you Iruka-San" Naruto and Hinata said in unison as I was dragged towards the stairs "Thank you kids" Itachi then called out "CONDOMS AREN'T ALLOWED" I was scared and I heard Kakashi make a 'Tsk' sound as if he never planed to use one. I can't let him do this without a condom I could get pregnant I'M A CARRIER.

I started to sweat as we approached Kakashi's room 'I have to tell him' I thought as he closed the door locking it behind him. "Kakashi I- We can't-" he pined me to the wall. "Yes Ruka~" He purred 'DAM YOU STOP TOYING WITH ME' I thought as I flushed "I- um I-" I couldn't speak his mask was down and he was smirking at me.


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THIS IS ALL I FUCKING SEE. "Take your time Ruka I can wait all day" he purred "W-Well um I- um I-I'm a c-carrier so um I- um I-I might-" he it me of "Your afraid I might get you pregnant aren't you" he asked "Y-Yeah" I said he smiled at me and started chuckling "We can figure out something" He said. Kami plz stop him from getting me pregnant that's the last thing I need.

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