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Naruto POV

After a long night and hours of walking we finally got home. The thing was well Sakura she kept bothering Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei every time I wanted to talk to one of them. After I finally kept quiet she somehow got louder! I wanted to ask Sasuke to hang out when we got back but just talking to Sakura drained all his energy. After a long walk I reached my dad's office Kakashi-sensei walked with me to the building but went to a different wing to turn in our mission report. I knocked on the door and waited for him to say enter. Upon hearing this I walked in. "Hey Naruto how was your first mission mhm?" He asked "It could have been better." I answered he asked me what happened and I took my time explaining it to him my dad loved hearing stories about my mother, brother, and I day's while he was working it helped him move faster some how and he tends to come home earlier because of this.

Sasuke POV

I finally got home and instead of my Parents and bother in the kitchen or their rooms they were all in the living room waiting for me. "Little brother come here please" Itachi spoke he had a picture in his hand and he passed it the me once I looked at it my face turned red. It was me but not only that it was me pinning Naruto to a wall in some alleyway looking setting I was so confused I don't remember this. He passed me more pictures of Naru and I in some suggestive situations. "Can you explain these photos Darling" My mom asked me but I couldn't speak I was to flustered. "It's fake it has to be" I finally spoke "Really Sasuke" my father asked "Yes sir don't get me wrong I love him but I don't have the courage to do any of these things with him" I spoke still looking over the photos "Sasuke go show that boy what we found" My father spoke "W-What why!" I asked "He deserves to know the things people wish of the two of you" he said smirking at me "I- wha- bu- I-" I was to flustered to even speak. All of my family smirked at me as I studered "I don't think-" be I could finish my mother chimed in "Listen to your father darling" she spoke. I no longer had a choice my mother and father had spoken I couldn't go against them. "Yes ma'am. . . I will do as Father says" I spoke looking down "Good boy" my mother spoke. I'm domed.

The next morning I was greeted with hugs from my family a kiss from my mother and a small container full of those retched photos. I left the house for training and to my surprise Naruto was the only one there "Sasuke!!" I heard from behind me 'Damnit' "Hey Sakura" I spoke. I pushed her of and went over to Naruto "Hey Naru" I spoke "Hey. . ." He said dragging his words "What's wrong?" I questioned "I just didn't get enough sleep is all" he answered "Well Kakashi-sensei is most likely going to be late so if you want you can nap on me" he blushed a little but put his head on my shoulder and fell asleep. I couldn't help but try to make him more comfortable he was so cute and he looked so peaceful. I pulled him into my lap and placed his head in my chest I then raped his legs around my torso and played in his hair. It was so silky and his ears were so fluffy.

Kakashi-sensei eventually came but when he did I had fallen asleep myself and was told I was holding Naruto by his thighs and refused to let go. I don't mind being in such a position but it was a bit embarrassing when I was in front of Kakashi and Sakura.

Sakura POV

The ship was finally sailing and I was one  of the happiest people about it. Once I got with Hinata I've been trying to find Sasuke the perfect gf/Bf/partner in secret. To him I'm some obsessed fangirl to the rest of our friends I'm the Ship NVP. So when I saw that Sasuke was finally asleep I took pictures from any and all angles. Now a that Kakashi-sensei is here I have to try and get them later but for right now we should be good.

After training I went to talk to Kakashi sensei for a second and then I left but as a was leaving I noticed that Sasuke and Naruto both stayed behind. I hid behind a bush and waited for a few seconds. After some time Sasuke came darting out of the training grounds running at full speed. I wonder what could have happened to him.

Naruto POV

I was getting ready to leave when Sasuke came up to me "Hey Naru can we talk?" He asked of course I said yes I guess I was turning into a fangirl. "So um I wanted you to see these pictures but they are a little weird. I found them on accident and I just wanted you to see" he looked so nervous it was just to cute. He handed me a box in witch I opened and went through looking at the pictures though I turned all shades of red. Did somebody draw these? After I looked at all the pictures I went to give Sasuke his things but it was no use he was gone. I guess I'll just give him his things tomorrow.

Sasuke POV

I can't believe I just did that. What if he thinks I'm a creep and I made those retched photos of the two of us. No he wouldn't.  Right? I got home and ran straight to my room to sulk in darkness of my room. I'll never be able to face him now.

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