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Naruto POV

I woke up to the sound of laughter and decided to go downstairs to see what was going on. The last thing I remember is Sasuke saying "I won't either sunset I won't either" before I fell asleep on his back. Once I got the bottom of the stairs I saw everyone at the table laughing at Sasuke who was flushed the only person who wasn't laughing was Sakura "What going on" I asked "There he is the Sunset kid himself" said Itachi-san I blushed knowing Sasuke told them my nickname only he called me I walk over and sat next to him "So sunset how was your nap in Sasuke's bed" Kakashi-san asked "I-I was in y-your B-Bed" I asked Sasuke "Sorry I didn't know which room was yours" he said blushing as he looked away I was already red myself.

The whole time we were at the table they teased us "I'm leaving" Sasuke and I said in unison before we walked away Kurama said "Awe couple goals" he smirked "We're going to sleep" then Shikamaru jumped in "Use a condom then" everyone laughed I turned red and Sasuke's face was crimson red "Oh shit you look like a tomato" Neji said "To bad for him Sasuke loves tomatoes" Itachi-san said I felt Sasuke grab my hand and pull me upstairs 'Kami help me' I thought

Sasuke POV

I couldn't take it anymore and Naruto was frozen in place. "Sasuke y-your n-not" he asked "No" I replied as I stopped in the middle of the hall "I'm sorry I dragged you into this" I apologized feeling guilty "It's fine midnight" he said "Midnight?" I said taken back by the name "Yeah, Your hair and eyes are as dark as the Midnight sky while your skin represents the moonlight rays that glows" he said as he put his hand through my hair then caressed my face. I looked at him with a small smile on my face. "I'd love to be the Midnight to your Sunset" I said as I held his hands. He smiled a bright and beautiful smile making my heart melt "Whatever you say my midnight" I blushed 'He said my' I let go of his hands and pulled him into a hug then kissed his forehead "Goodnight sunset" I then said "Night" he said walking towards his room. I guess there's no hiding it now Im in love and with a Neko the perfect person for me.

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