27: Sirens

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Andra POV:

After meeting Zakai, Kai and I went back to my house and changed I into a oversized t-shirt with underwear, then I called Caroline 

"Hello?" she said from the other side of the line

"Hey Care you busy?"

"No I was on my way to yours actually"

"Great lets go dress shopping then?" I ask


I cut the line and wait for Caroline to get here while getting some snacks 

I was reaching up in the pantry to get some chips when I felt arms snake around my waist and Kai's head nuzzling in the crook of my neck

"Your so short"

"Gee thanks" I reply sarcastically and Kai chuckles 

"Your going dress shopping with Caroline?" he asks

"Mhm" I reply

"Wanna come?" I tease

"Eugh no, I'll just go to the Salvatores and annoy Demon and Steven" 

I laugh "ok but don't cause any trouble I really don't feel like dealing with any of them complaining about you"

"But where's the fun in that" Kai whined 

I looked at him "Kai"

"Fine, fine" he groaned 

"Good" I say and then we hear the doorbell

"Well that's Care I'm gonna go now" I said

"Alright I'll see you later"


I went to open the door and greeted Caroline 

"Hey Care can you wait inside for a sec? I need to go change" I asked her 

"Yeah sure" she said while walking in and sitting on the couch

I went upstairs to my room and saw Kai on our bed going through his phone 

He looked up at me and smiled "hey I thought you went out with Caroline" he said

"I am I just need to change" I said and he nodded

I made my way to my closet and looked for something to wear

I settled on a pair of flared blue jeans and a black crop top

I pulled my shirt over my head leaving me in only a bra and underwear 

I felt Kai's eyes burn into my back of my head and smirked to myself 

"You are so hot" I heard him whisper from behind me

I put finished changing into my clothes and turned around to see Kai looking at me seductively 

"Alright I'm gonna go now bye babe" I said pressing a kiss on his lips while he frowned 

I laughed to myself and made my way downstairs 

"Hey lets go" I said to Caroline and we left the house

Once we were in my car and on the road I started to talk

"So where exactly is this date that my brother is taking you to" I ask and I already know she's blushing

"A fancy restaurant" she replied and I nodded 

"And then?"

"Well after we could I don't know, either go back to his place or just go to a park and watch the stars"

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