Andra POV:
After a while Caroline started to get ready for her date, she was changing into her dress while I called Klaus
"Hello" he said from the other side of the line
"Hey Klaus" I reply
"Sorry sister I'm busy I have a date" he says and I roll my eyes knowing he has a smirk on his face
"I know I'm calling about the date" I say
"Is there a problem?" he asks with a little panic in his voice
"Sort of, there are sirens in town and one of them hypnotized Caroline earlier and tried to do the same to me but she couldn't. There's a possibility that she might show up again, just make sure you keep Care safe she can't effect originals"
"Thank you for informing me and I will be sure to keep Caroline safe"
I sigh "ok great I'll talk to you later, bye"
As I end the call Caroline walks in the room with her new dress and sits down next to me
"Hey" I smile
"Hey" she says back
"Andra I know your worried about me, don't be I'll be fine, as you said sirens can't affect originals and I'll be with Klaus" she assures me
"I know Care, I just can't loose you your my best friend and I don't know what would happen if I lost you I mean Elena, Bonnie and everyone literally stopped talking to you because you became friends with me"
"Hey its not your fault that they feel the need to control my friendships plus they started talking to me again we might become friends again, not as close as we used to be but just friends" she says and I smile
"Well don't let our friendship stop you from getting your friends back, just because I don't like them doesn't mean you have to dislike them too" I say with a smile and she chuckles
"Just remember you are my bestfriend not them ok?" she says and I nod
"Okay! now go you have a dateee" I smirk
After Klaus picked up Caroline, me and Kai had the house to ourselves.
We decided to just let go and relax
I hopped into the bed in pajamas while Kai joined me with a hand full of snacks
"You pick the movie" I tell him and he nods
Caroline POV:
After arriving at the restaurant, getting seated and ordering our food me and Klaus started talking
"You look gorgeous Caroline" he says and I can't stop the heat from rushing up to my cheeks
"Thank you, you clean up pretty good yourself" I giggled while he chuckled in response
"Andra told me about some sirens" he states and I nod
"Yeah when we were shopping earlier she wanted my dress and when I refused she started, I don't know singing and I felt compelled to give her the dress" I say and Klaus raises and eyebrow
"And then?"
"And then Andra started yelling at her, asking for the dress back so she tried to sing and hypnotize her too but Andra was faster, she cloaked the three of us, snapped her neck, grabbed me and drove home" I say and Klaus smiles
"That's my sister" he says and I chuckle and nod
"And then Kai came home and told us that Damon and Stefan asked him to do some research on sirens" I explain and he nodded
"Speaking of, how is Kai and Andra?" he asks and I slightly tense remembering their break-up a few days ago
"Well" I start and he raises an eyebrow
"You must have heard that Kai is a vampire now right?" I ask
"Yes, Andra told me that his father stole Kai's leadership from his coven and then killed him" he says and I nod
"What Andra didn't tell you is that they broke up after they got home because Kai thought that she was safer and better off without him" I say and Klaus looked slightly angry
"Why am I only hearing about this now?"
"Just wait. After that she called me and cried and stuff but the next day they got back together, Kai's siblings quite literally forced him to go apologize to her because they knew he wanted to" I explain and Klaus looks slightly calmer
"It was a stupid break-up that's why she didn't tell you" I say and he nods
"So they are good and dating again now?" he asks and I nod
Andra POV:
I was awoken by the sound of a door slamming and I saw Kai right next to me
"You fell asleep" he says
"Who slammed the door?" I ask and he shrugged
"I don't know lets check it out"
Me and Kai quietly leave the room and go downstairs
After going downstairs I see the most traumatizing, horrifying scene in front of me
Klaus and Caroline, half naked kissing on the couch
"Oh my god!" I exclaim, my hand immediately flying to my eyes as the same with Kai
"Andra!" Caroline pants
"Please finish this in a bedroom and lock the door and be quiet there are vampires here" I say with disgust and Klaus chuckles, vamp speeding by me and Kai with Caroline
"That was traumatizing" I say and Kai chuckles
"Imagine how Caroline felt when she heard us go at it all night" he smirked and I swatted his arm
"We do not speak of that!" I scold and he raises his arms in defense
"Anyways lets go to sleep I'm still tired" I say and Kai nods in agreement
A/N: Hey guysss here's chapter 28 I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, again I'm sorry for not updating as often as i used to but it is extremely hard to balance school and writing so bear with me please. Don't forget to vote and comment have a great day/night!

Different | Kai Parker
FanfictionAndra Mikaelson was the original tribrid and the twin sister of Klaus Mikaelson. Since Esther was a witch, all of the Mikaelsons were born as witches but their witch powers went away after they were turned, but for Andra her powers stayed because sh...