Andra POV:
After Caroline told me that she was on her way I decided to get up and wash my face
After about 10 minutes I heard a knock on the door and opened it to see Caroline
"Hey what's wrong?" she asked and I gestured her to come in
After she sat on the couch she looked at me seriously "ok spill now"
After explaining everything Caroline tried to make me feel better
"Woah so he's a heretic now?"
"Ok from experience I know for a fact that when he leaves you to 'keep you safe' he thinks that he's not good enough for you" she says
"But he is" I whine
"Maybe he'll come back after she sorts this coven stuff out?" she asks and
I frown "but I want to help him with the 'coven stuff' I need to help him"
"Ok enough about that lets do something fun! to bring up the mood" Caroline says and I slightly smile
Kai POV:
I love you
Those three words stuck in my brain
She loves me
Someone actually loves me I've never heard someone say that to me ever.
How could she love me
Did I love her back?
I have no idea what is love even supposed to feel like?
But pushing the thoughts aside I decided to take care of the problem at hand instead of my love life
After leaving Andra's house I called Jo
"Hello?" she asks
"Jo we need to talk"
"Kai? how the hell are you alive dad said you were dead" she asks
"Did you guys plan this or something?" I ask, slightly raising my voice
"What? no! after dad told me I was angry. Yes you did some messed up things but it only happened because he treated you like shit you didn't deserve to die" she ranted and I listened, shocked
She thought I deserved to live. My sister might like me a little bit after all
"Speaking of you never answered my question how are you alive"
"I'm not" I say
"Andra gave me her blood a few hours before so now I'm a vampire-witch hybrid thing" I explain
"Oh" she is all she replies with
"Ok so we need to do something about dad"
"He's having a ceremony/coven meeting and I know when and where its happening. You can cloak me you and Liv and we can see what that's all about" she says
"That's perfect"
"Can you cloak so many people?" she asks and I scoff
"Please, I have unlimited power I'm a vampire now and vampires are basically all magic I can cloak us plus its only three people" I say and she sighs
"Ok fine the meeting is tomorrow at 3pm we can meet at 2 and plan out the whole thing"
"Got it" I say
"Ok bye"
"Wait Jo can I ask you something?"
I hesitate "uh well- how do you know when you are in love with someone?" I ask, lowering my voice
Jo stays quiet for a second "you put put them above anything, even your own life" she answers "why?" she then asks
"No reason ok, bye" I say, trying to quickly escape the awkward conversation
"Bye?" she says, sounding confused
I cut the line and took a second to think about it
Do I love her?
Yes I do
But I can't worrying about that right now we have bigger problems to take care of
A/N: Ok sorry about the late-short chapter I haven't been feeling well. I promise the next chapter will be longer and less boring don't forget to vote and comment have a great day/night

Different | Kai Parker
FanfictionAndra Mikaelson was the original tribrid and the twin sister of Klaus Mikaelson. Since Esther was a witch, all of the Mikaelsons were born as witches but their witch powers went away after they were turned, but for Andra her powers stayed because sh...