11: We need a Siphon

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Caroline POV:

After doing some research me and Stefan decided to give some blood to my mom hoping it would cure her cancer 

After finding out that my mom has cancer I have tried non stop to find a cure. I brought Stefan along because he wanted to help. I needed comfort right now but Andra was going to see her family for the first time in like 2 months I didn't want to bother her.

She looked like she was doing well

"Mom how are you feeling?" I ask

"I'm alright stop worrying" she says with a chuckle 

I smile at her "I love you"

"I love you too Caroline"

Me and my mom talk for a while about my friends and Andra and everything overall until Stefan barges in 

"Caroline you need to come here now there's something wrong with Collin" he says with panic

I look at my mom "I'll be right back" and she nods

After I'm out the room I ask Stefan "what's wrong?"

"Ok uh so we found out that Collin died"

"What?" I ask in sheer panic

"Yeah and he still has the cancer and its just really bad for him now turns out that the vampire blood sped up the process of him dying" he says

"But I- I fed my mom the blood" I say, with tears pricking my eyes

Stefan see's me "hey look at me"

I look at him 

"It's gonna be ok were going to find a way to take out the vampire blood from her"

I nod trying not to cry and then something clicks

"Wait Stefan vampire blood is technically magic right?"


"Who do we know that can suck magic out of everything??" I ask and Stefan thinks before his eyes widen


"Yes!" I exclaim

"Ok I'm going to go text her you wait here" I say before walking off to text Andra 


Kai POV:

I wake up in a room tied down 

"What the hell" I grumble

"Little weasel's up" I hear an all too familiar voice say

"Seriously? Damon why am I here"

"So turns out your twin sister is my best friend's girlfriend, so can't have you murdering her"

I roll my eyes getting super irritated 

"Speaking of girlfriends where's yours?" he asks and I raise an eyebrow 

"Oh you know, Andra?" 

"She's in New Orleans with her family" I mutter

"Perfect so nobody's gonna come to save you and after she's back we'll just tell her that you drove your car off a bridge" he says with a snicker and I just groan

"So what's your plan exactly?" 

"Oh were gonna kill you" he says with an obnoxious grin

"How long was I out for"

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