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So, apparently he was a late bloomer. As in three years late. He had given up the thoughts about presenting as an Alpha or an Omega and fully accepted that he was a Beta, which was cool. It seemed difficult to be one of the other. He was in fact so set on being a Beta that he missed all the signs before it was too late.

It was another day at school, just like any other except for the fact that he overslept and has to rush to school in the morning. Usually he got up an hour before school started so he could get ready in time without being stressed. That hadn't been the case this morning. He arrived at school just as the bell rang for his first class. His hair was a messy mop of curls and his outfit wasn't his usual type. He just threw on the first thing he could find.

So, not a great start. He felt a little under the weather. Was he catching a cold? As the morning proceeded he got more and more angsty. His skin was crawling, he was sweating and it felt like he was getting a fever.

He was about to go see the school nurse when a heatwave of lust hit him. He got hard in an instant and it felt like he wet himself. He gasped in surprise and looked around in the empty corridor. Thank God no one was there to witness it. His head was getting foggy and he was so horny all of a sudden. He had to get away.

A door on his left lead him down to the basement. He stumbled down the stairs, whimpering. The basement was dark but there was a room at the end of the long corridor where the lights were on. He was drawn to it. His whole body was shaking by now and his trousers were soaking wet. He needed to call his mum but realized that he had left his phone in his locker. He just had to get in that room and hide for a while until the school day was over and no one would see his wet pants.

He got inside the room on shaky legs and closed the door behind him. He had ended up in the boiler room but he didn't care. He just had to find some sort of release. He removed his t-shirt and threw it on the floor, gracing his nipples in the process, and moaned. All of a sudden a voice made him jump and turn to his left.
"Hey! What are you doing?"

The most popular guy in school, an Alpha named Louis, was standing there smoking. He only knew his name because everyone did. He was the captain of the football team. Harry just whimpered. Louis furrowed his eyebrows in confusion but then Harry's scent hit him. His eyes grew wide and he hurried to put his cigarette out.
"Shit! You're going into heat? Why are you here? Move, I have to get out of here."

He tried to get past him but Harry grabbed his arm.
"No! Please don't leave. I'm scared!"

Louis let out a growl. He snapped his head to the side, staring Harry down. His pupils were blown and his body started to shake.
"You're what? Sixteen? It can't be your first time. Fuck! You're triggering my rut. What the hell!"

"First time. It hurts. I'm gonna explode. Please! Help me!" Harry wailed.

After that, he didn't remember much. Louis's lips were on his. They ripped each other's clothes off. Next he knew he was laying on the dirty floor ranting "fuck me, fuck me, please!"

Louis pushed inside and Harry cumbusted. It was his first time and it felt amazing. The orgasm washed over him, making the Alpha frantic. He continued to fuck him and Harry was hard again, begging him to knot him. He had never needed anything as badly in his life before.

When the knot started to pop, stretching him even wider Harry cried out in ectasy. He came so hard that he blacked out for a moment and that was the last he remembered, going into Omega subspace for the first time.

When he came to his senses again something heavy on top of him made him unable to move. His whole body ached but in a good way. His throat was dry and his neck was burning. He gasped and his hand flew up to feel where his bondingspot should be. He felt scar tissue under his fingertips.
"Louis! Wake up!"

The Alpha on top of him started to stir and the weight was lifted off him.
"What happened?" Louis asked, sounding groggy.

Harry turned around and grimaced when dry cum cracked and made his skin tingle. He looked at Louis. His hair was messy and he was also covered in cum. He opened his mouth to answer but jumped when the door was busted open. A flashlight blinded him and he tried to shield his eyes.
"They're both here. Call off the
search." A policeman said into his intercom.

Harry was so confused. They had been searching for them? He tried to shield his private parts, feeling absolutely humiliated. Louis got in front if him, shielding him from being seen. He had just come out if his rut and was still in protection mode.
"Get out! Can't you see that we're naked? You're making him uncomfortable." He growled at the policemen.

"We're sorry. Find them some blankets." The policeman in charged said to one of his colleagues. He turned his gaze at the teenagers on the floor.
"Your parents are worried about you two. You've been missing for five days."

Harry gasped. Five days? Crap! He got a blanket thrown at him and he wrapped it around his body.
"Come on. We'll drive you home." The policeman said and waved his hand impatiently for them to get up.

"We need a minute alone." Louis said.

"There's no time..." The policeman protested but Louis cut him off.

"One damn minute! I have to talk to Harry."

"One minute." The policeman said and they left the room.

Louis immediately turned to look at Harry.
"Are you okay? I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to stay. I went into rut. I don't know why. Oh God, please. Say something."

"I'm okay. You didn't do anything wrong. I was still me when I asked you to stay." Harry said and he meant it.

"But still...you were going into heat. I'm not a bad person, usually. I feel awful." Louis said emotionally.

"You didn't force yourself on me. I don't feel that way. You helped me. I'm sorry too. This wasn't what you wanted. You were just here taking a smoke. You smoke? Why? That's disgusting. " Harry rambled.

"Get your priorities straight. I'm okay. The sex was great. It doesn't bother me. I guess we helped each other out. No big deal. So we're good?" Louis smiled.

Harry stared at him. Didn't Louis remember that they accidentally got mated? Before he could address the issue a policeman opened the door to tell them that they had to go.

He really didn't want to face his mother and explain what happened.

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