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He rushed out of the school as soon as his last class of the day was over and drove to Harry's high school at the speed of lightning. Harry was waiting for him outside when he pulled up.
"Hi. I hope you didn't have to wait too long. You look good." Louis smiled.

Harry looked surprised by the compliment as he took a seat in the front.
"I just finished school. Thanks, so do you."

"Thanks, ehm, so...Starbucks?" Louis suggested.

"Sure." Harry agreed.

"So how was your day?" Louis asked as he drove away from the school.

"Okay. High school is pretty boring." Harry replied.

It got quiet and Louis tried to find something to talk about.
"So, how are things at Liam and Zayn's?"

"Okay. They're really sweet." Harry answered.

"Yeah. Uhm, and..eh..." Louis rambled nervously.

"Lou, relax. Don't try so hard. It's just me. You have known me for a while now." Harry smiled.

Yes and no. He hadn't really taken the time to get to know him and that was a part of the problem. Louis took a deep breath and exhaled.
"I'm nervous." He admitted with a smile.

"Me too." Harry replied.

Louis glanced at him. They smiled at each other.
"I'm really had that you agreed to see me today."

"I want things to be better between us." Harry said softly.

"Me too. Me too." Louis replied.

"Baby steps." Harry smirked.

"Yeah, okay. Baby steps." Louis agreed.

He parked outside a Starbucks and they went inside.
"What can I get you?" Louis asked. 

"A Vanilla latte with a shot of caramel cream." Harry replied.

"That sounds...interesting." Louis smirked.

"You were totally gonna say disgusting, weren't you?" Harry giggled.

"Yeah, sorry." Louis laughed.

"It's okay." Harry smiled.

It was their turn and Louis ordered Harry's latte and a hot chocolate for himself. They decided on some cinnamon rolls as well. They found a table and sat down. Harry offered Louis his latte.
"Here, try it."

Louis looked skeptical but he took a sip anyway.
"Yep, even more disgusting than I had imagined it to be."

Harry giggled.
"More for me then."

They made some awkward small talk for an hour before Louis drove Harry to Liam and Zayn.
"I had fun. Ehm, do you wanna like, catch a movie and maybe a burger on Wednesday?" Louis asked.

"Are you trying to ask me out on a date?" Harry wondered in amusement.

"Uhm, yeah." Louis blushed.

"Alright. But I get to pick the movie." Harry smiled.

"Deal." Louis grinned.

Harry leaned in to sniff him and they shared scents for five minutes before Harry pulled back.
"I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"Okay. Take care." Louis said.

Harry smiled at him and got out of the car. He went back to their apartment. He slept in Harry's bed that night to be able to breathe in his scent. He missed him.

Two days went by. He meant Harry in the mornings when he came by to share scents. They had been texting a little, mostly about which movie to watch. He had decided on Crazy, Stupid, Love, a romantic comedy with Ryan Gosling.

Louis put some extra time fixing himself. He wanted to look as good as possible. He picked Harry up at six and noticed that he also had made an effort to look good, not that he had to. He was insanely good-looking.
"Hi Haz, you look great. I like that, ehm...blouse?" Louis said.

"So do you. I like that sweatshirt. It brings out the color of your eyes." Harry smiled. He seemed to be in a good mood.

Louis drove them to a burger place. He opened the car door for Harry who blushed a little.
"Thanks, Lou."

They walked inside and found a table. They ordered burgers and fries.
"I think I made a friend today at school, or at least an acquaintance." Harry said.

"Really? That's great. I'm happy for you. Tell me about this person." Louis smiled.

"We have a new exchange student from Scottland. Her name is Lucy. She asked if she could sit with me at lunch which was a nice change, you know, because I always sit alone. I hope she'll sit with me tomorrow too. She's sweet and funny. Reminds me of you a little actually." Harry babbled.

Louis looked a little worried and Harry giggled.
"You have nothing to worry about. I'm gay, Louis."

"Sorry. I'm happy that you have made a friend. Truly." Louis smiled a little embarrassed.

"Me too." Harry beamed.

They talked and laughed through dinner, having a great time, before they headed to the cinema. Louis paid for their tickets and they took a seat. Half through the movie Harry took his hand and he had a hard time concentrating. He was beaming with happiness and held Harry's hand tightly.  

He drove Harry back to Liam and Zayn's afterward.
"I had a great time tonight." Harry smiled.

"Me too. Do you wanna do something tomorrow or is that too soon? Ehm, bowling? Something else?" Louis asked.

"We don't have to go out every time. It's expensive. How about I just come by the apartment and we hang out? I can make us something to eat." Harry suggested.

"Sounds nice. Do you want me to pick you up?" Louis asked.

"I can catch a ride with Zayn and Liam. They have a dance lesson at noon." Harry said.

"Dance lesson?" Louis questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, they're learning how to tango. Super cute. They practice at home." Harry grinned.

"Ok, wow. If Liam didn't hate me I would totally tease him about it at practice." Louis said with a sad smile.

"Liam doesn't hate you but I'm glad he stepped in. I was struggling." Harry mumbled.

"Again. I'm so sorry. So, so..." Louis started to apologize but Harry cut him off.

"I know." He leaned forward and gave him a peck on the cheek and took a sniff in his neck, making all the hair on the back of Louis's neck stand up.
"Good night. I'll see you tomorrow."

With that, Harry stepped out of the car. 

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