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Harry went back to Liam and Zayn but asked if he could Louis out on a date the next day. Louis immediately agreed. He woke up on Saturday feeling happy and excited. He had no idea where they were going but he showered and put some thought into his outfit. Harry had asked him to pick him up at twelve so he got in their car and drove over to Liam and Zayn's apartment. He got out of the car and headed inside and knocked on the door. Harry opened it with a dimpled smile.
"Hi, Lou!"

"Hi, Hazza. Ready to go?" Louis asked.

"Yeah." Harry said and grabbed his coat.

Liam and Zayn came into the hallway.
"Hi, Louis. Do you wanna come in for a cup of tea?" Zayn asked.

"Harry is taking me out on a date so I'll take a raincheck on that tea." Louis answered.

"Alright. Have fun you two." Liam smiled.

Harry gave him directions and they arrived at something called the Borough Market.
"What's this?" Louis asked, sounding curious.

"Like a hundred different street food vendors." Harry said.

"That's seriously cool. Alright, let's check it out." Louis said and got out of the car.

He took Harry's hand and they walked around and sampled small bites from different vendors until they were full. Harry bought some doughnuts and lemonade and they headed back to the car.
"This place is awesome. How did you find out about it?" Louis asked.

"From Zayn. He and Liam helped me plan this date." Harry answered.

"Of course they did. Well, I think we should go here again sometime." Louis smiled.

"Ready for the next part? You're not afraid of heights, are you?" Harry wondered.

"Nope." Louis smiled.

"Thank God. I should have asked you that beforehand. Sorry." Harry giggled.

They got back in the car and Harry guided them to Greenwich. He pointed up in the air as they got out and Louis let out a surprised gasp. Above their heads, Louis could see cable cars.
"No way! We're going on one of those?"

"Yeah. They travel above Themsen. Do you like it?" Harry asked, sounding unsure.

"Best fucking date I've ever been on." Louis smiled excitedly.

Harry paid for their tickets and they got inside one of the cars. It started to move and they both giggled. Harry unpacked the doughnuts and offered one to Louis. They drank the lemonade and took in the spectacular view. After they had finished the doughnuts Harry leaned against Louis's chest and he wrapped his arms around him. Harry pointed at different things and talked excitedly and Louis just smiled fondly. He was falling for him and that was both scary and exciting and about damn time. He had no idea how Harry felt but he wasn't going to rush it. Well, maybe a little. He gently grabbed Harry's jaw and tilted his head up so he could kiss him. Harry kissed him back. The angle was strange but they made it work.

They had arrived at the Royal docks and got out of the cable car. They walked around in the dock for a while hand in hand before they took a cable car back to their car. After another tour over Themsen Louis unlocked the car doors and they got inside.
"That was amazing. I think you should get to plan all our dates from now on. You're clearly so much better at it than I am." 

"I loved the dates you've planned. It's all about spending the together rather than what we do." Harry smiled.

"Yeah, that's true. So, do you want me to drive you back to Liam and Zayn, or do you wanna go home to our apartment and hang out?" Louis asked.

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