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"Harry! Wait up!" Louis shouted and ran after him in an empty corridor.

"I don't want to talk to you!" Harry shouted over his shoulder and speeded up his steps.

He rushed out of the school and headed in the direction of his house. Suddenly he was yanked back by his arm.
"Stop! I'm sorry, okay? I told me mum."

Harry turned around to face him.
"You did? Are you okay? How did it go?"

"She was actually great about it, all of it. She wants to meet your mum." Louis said. He was standing with his hands in his pockets, balancing between his toes and heels.

"What? Then I have to tell her that I'm mated!" Harry stressed.

"Yeah, but that's totally up to you. I can just tell me mum that you're not ready. I think she'll understand." Louis said.

"No, I should tell her. I'll just have to work up the nerve to do it." Harry shrugged.

"Alright, no pressure." Louis smiled.

He told her two days later. She was upset but handled it well all considering, and then she called Louis's mum and invited them over.

He decided to tell Niall as well and he didn't handle it that well.
"You're mated? To whom?" He screeched and Harry had to hush him.

"To Louis." Harry answered.

Niall's reaction was almost comical. His mouth fell open and his eyes almost bulged out of their sockets.
"Louis? As in Louis Tomlinson, the captain of the football team? The most popular guy here? You're screwing with me!"

"No, but I'm screwing him." Harry smirked.

Niall started to laugh hysterically.
"Priceless! Wait, why are you mated? Tell me everything from the beginning. I can't believe I missed all of this or that you have kept it from me. Spill!"

So Harry told him about the boiler room and going into heat and Louis being there. He didn't give him any sex details. That was private.
"This is crazy!" Niall said.

"Yeah." Harry sighed.

"So like, are you...do you like him?" Niall asked.

"I don't know him." Harry muttered.

"But maybe you could? If you get to know each other?" Niall tried to encourage.


Louis showed up with his mum the next day. They all sat down in the living room. Anne made tea.
"So, it's lovely to meet you, Harry." Jay smiled.

"Uhm yeah, you too." Harry mumbled and twisted uncomfortably.

"Same goes for you, Louis." Anne smiled and Louis nodded his head.

"Anne, I wanted to meet so we can discuss the boy's future. Louis got a football scholarship to a really good college." Jay bragged.

"That's wonderful. Congratulations Louis." Anne smiled.

"Thanks." Louis mumbled.

"It's in London." Jay pointed out.

"Oh, that's unfortunate." Anne said.

"We have two options here. Option one, Harry goes to high school in London and we get them an apartment. Option two, Louis stays here and attends the local university next year. It's too late to apply now." Jay said.

"Harry is only seventeen! I can't send him to London by himself." Anne gasped.

"Please mum! I want Louis to be able to go. I can attend a high school in London. I'll be fine!" Harry pleaded.

Louis wised up.
"You would?"

"I don't want to be the one holding you back. This is important to you." Harry said.

"That's a big sacrifice. I don't know Harry." Louis sighed.

"Your sacrifice is bigger if you stay here." Harry replied.

Anne had followed their conversation with a heavy heart. Just the thought of sending Harry to London by himself broke her heart but she understood the dilemma.
"I have to think about it."

"Of course. This isn't a decision that's made lightly." Jay said.

Jay and Louis left and Anne had a talk with her son.
"Is this really what you want or are you just saying that because of Louis?"

"Both? It's the best option mum. I can attend high school anywhere but Louis only has this shot. I'm sure that he would have done the same for me if it was the other way around." Harry replied. He wasn't sure about that at all.

"You're so young Harry. " Anne sighed.

"I'll be eighteen in less than a year." Harry replied.

His mum didn't look convinced so he spent the following week pleading, arguing his case and she finally caved.
He called Louis as soon as she agreed.

"Hi, Louis. My mum said yes! We're moving to London." Harry shouted excitedly.

"Really? Are you sure about this?" Louis asked, sounding hopeful.

"Yes. I want to do this for you but I get to choose university!" Harry said.

"Deal!" Louis laughed.

At graduation, the word that Louis and Harry were mated had spread somehow and everyone was whispering and looking at them. Harry was glad that he wasn't returning to this school after the summer. He wouldn't have to deal with that. The only thing he would miss, except his family of course, was his best friend Niall. He didn't have many friends, just Niall in fact, but he was the best friend anyone could ask for.
"I can't believe you're moving to London with Louis Tomlinson!" Niall complained.

"Yeah, me neither. But you can come to visit and we'll come here for school breaks and stuff." Harry said, sad to leave his friend behind.

"It's not the same." Niall pouted.

It wasn't. But this was the way it had to be. The summer went by fast. He spent most of it with Niall, having a blast. He spent one more heat with Louis, who went into rut as well.  The sex was incredible but there was something missing.

Their mums had found a two-bedroom apartment for them and his mum had transferred him to a high school nearby. This was really happening. He had mixed feelings about it. He was happy that Louis was happy and he was curious and excited about living in London. But he would miss Doncaster, Niall, and his mum and sister.

Louis had to sign papers to become Harry's legal guardian, which was crazy. He wasn't that much older than him. Their parents had scrambled furniture and they had a miss-match of things with them. They drive to London a week before school started and set up the apartment. Their mums stayed for a couple of days before they said goodbye and headed back home. It was just the two of them now, living together. 

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