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He had googled recipes like a maniac and went grocery shopping on Friday before he picked up Harry from school, since he got off earlier. He had even bought him a bouquet of flowers.

He handed them over as soon as Harry got in the car.
"Flowers? For me? Thanks, Lou. They're beautiful." Harry beamed with pink cheeks.

Louis almost said something cheesy like 'not as beautiful as you are' and bit his tongue. He settled with a "you look great!"

He drove them home and got the grocery bags from the back. They headed inside. Harry put the flowers in a vase while Louis unpacked the ingredients he had bought. Harry came up behind him and cuddled him, resting his head on his shoulder. Louis's stomach erupted into butterflies.
"What are you making?"

"Some chicken, stuffed with mozzarella wrapped in parma ham and some homemade mash. That's the idea at least." Louis replied.

Harry giggled.
"Sounds yummy."

Harry didn't let go of him as he tried to maneuver into the kitchen. He turned the oven on before he started with the chicken.
"Tell me if I'm clingy." Harry said.

"You're cuddly. I like it." Louis smiled.

He had never experienced this side of Harry before, the soft, giggly, and cuddly Omega. It was absolutely adorable. He picked up the knife and looked at it.
"Turn it around." Harry giggled.

"Right." Louis chuckled.

He had his phone on the counter with the receipt. He realized that he had to start boiling the potatoes and leaned down to find a pot. Harry let him go while he put the potatoes in the pot and filled it with water before he put it on the stove. As soon as he was back at slicing the chicken Harry wrapped his arms around him again, hugging him from behind. Louis smiled.
"You're being really cute."

"I'm glad you think so. My inner Omega is a little needy at the
moment." Harry replied.

"Is there anything I can do to help with that?" Louis asked.

Harry shrugged his shoulders. Louis wiped his hands on a kitchen towel and turned around so he could hug Harry properly. Harry nuzzled his nose in his neck and he breathed him in as well. They just stood there holding each other for a moment.

Louis pulled back to look at the Omega.

"Yeah, thanks Lou." Harry smiled.

Louis's eyes got stuck on Harry's mouth.  The Omega stopped smiling and wet his lips. Louis's eyes flickered to Harry's and they started to lean in at the same time. The sound of water boiling over made them both turn to the stove.
"Shit!" Louis worded and lowered the setting and pulled the pan to the side. He put it back after a while. Harry giggled behind him. He turned his head to look at him.
"I better finish this meal."

Harry jumped up on the counter and watched in amusement as Louis tried to stuff the chicken breasts with mozzarella. He wrapped the parma ham around them and put them in an ovenware before he put it in the oven. He checked the potatoes but they needed a couple of more minutes.
"Do you want something to drink?"

"Soda?" Harry suggested.

Louis went to the fridge and took out a bottle of coca-cola. He filled two glasses and handed one to Harry. He checked the potatoes again and they were done.
"I can set the table." Harry offered.

"Thanks." Louis said and roved the water.

It took him some effort to peel the potatoes, burning his fingers in the process. Harry just giggled behind him. He made the mash and checked on the chicken. When the food was ready they sat down at the kitchen table to eat. The homemade mash was a bit lumpy and the chicken was dry. Louis let out a disappointed grunt.
"It tastes terrible!"

"It doesn't! It's a great first try!" Harry smiled.

"We can order pizza." Louis suggested.

"Don't be silly. I love it because you made it for me. No one has ever cooked for me before." Harry said softly and continued to eat.

They threw themselves on the couch after dinner. Harry came crawling into Louis's lap. He wrapped his arms around him and gave him a peck on the head.
"You're so cuddly today. It's cozy."

"I miss you." Harry said.

"I miss you too. Maybe you should move back home." Louis suggested in a hopeful tone.

Harry looked up at him.
"I don't know if I'm ready yet."

"That's okay." Louis replied, trying his best to not look sad.

"It's just...you've been absolutely amazing these couple of weeks and I guess that I'm a bit scared that things will go back to the way it was before as soon as I move back home." Harry said and pouted.

"It won't! I know that I have to work hard to earn your trust but I promise on everything holy that I will never abuse you again. I'm so ashamed of myself." Louis said, voice trembling.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
"Abuse? What are you talking about? You never abused me."

"Not physically, but Liam called me an abusive piece of shit and..." Louis said, feeling his eyes tear up.

Harry cupped his cheeks with both hands.
"No, just...no Louis. Liam made assumptions from one conversation. You're not abusive. You were distant and avoided me and I felt lonely and unhappy. You have explained why you acted like that. I forgive you. Don't feel ashamed. You have redeemed yourself in these few weeks. You're wonderful."

Louis couldn't hold his tears back and they started to roll down his cheeks.

"Yes." Harry confirmed and wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tightly.

Louis cried with his face buried in Harry's neck. Harry stroke his hair and whispered comforting words. When Louis had calmed down Harry cupped his cheeks again and wiped his cheekbones with his thumbs. He leaned forward and pecked his lips. He pulled back and looked at him and then he kissed him again, putting more pressure into it. Louis started to move his lips against Harrys and after a while he licked his lower lip to ask for permission to deepen the kiss. Harry opened his mouth and they kissed softly, letting their tongues brush against each other.

This was the first time they kissed when they weren't consumed with lust from their heat and rut. It was sweet and delicate.

When they had to come up for air they just looked at each other and smiled.

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