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In the days that followed Harry couldn't think about anything else than the fact that he might be pregnant. He wanted kids and the knowledge that he now could carry and give birth to a child blew his mind. That was like, the coolest thing ever and single-handedly the best part of becoming an Omega. But not now. He had no desire to become a teenage parent with a hookup in a basement.

Being away from Louis Alpha scent took its toll on him and by Friday he was climbing the walls. He wanted to burst into tears and he was so distracted that he totally missed that his English teacher Mrs. Owen asked him a question. Niall had to shove his elbow in his side for him to notice.

His mum texted during lunch that she had bought him a pregnancy test but had to work over. She wondered if he wanted to wait until she came home later that evening but honestly, he felt relieved. Louis could come over without his mum asking a million questions. He texted Louis his address and told him that he was home alone.

Then he realized that it might have sounded like a sex invite and texted him again.
So we can do the test without my mum hovering over us.

He looked over at the table that Louis was sitting at with most of the football team. Louis was looking at his phone. He got a reply.


He just wanted to get it over with as soon as possible. He was so nervous about the result.

Directly after school?

He looked at Louis who was staring at his phone. He got an answer.


"Who are you texting?" Niall asked.

"No one." Harry replied and hurried to put his phone away.

The day went by so slowly. When he finally came out of the classroom after his last lecture of the day, he rushed to his locker to get his jacket.
"Hey! What's the rush? Wanna hang out?" Niall shouted after him.

"I can't today. I'll call you tomorrow." Harry shouted back as he grabbed his jacket and shut his locker.

He hurried out and headed home. He lived ten minutes from the school but made it home in seven minutes. He unlocked the door, hung his jacket, and threw his shoes off. He ran to his room just to find a pregnancy test on his nightstand. He ripped the box open to find the instructions. It was fairly simple. He just had to pee on the stick and wait three minutes for a line to appear, or not. That what was he was hoping for.

A knock on the front door made him jump. He got up and opened it. A very nervous Louis stood on the front porch with his hands shoved in his pockets.

"Hi, come in."

He showed him to his room and Louis's eyes immediately fell on the pregnancy test on the bed. He took a deep breath.
"Right, so let's do this."

He took a seat while Harry retrieved to the bathroom. His hands trembled as he removed the cap. He peed on the stick, it was a little tricky but he managed, and put the cap back on. He hurried to flush the toilet and wash his hands before he brought the test with him to his room. Louis was sitting on his bed so he took a seat as well.
"How long will it take?" Louis wondered nervously.

"Three minutes." Harry informed him. His hands were shaking by now so he put the test on the nightstand, facing down.

"Right. Harry? If you're pregnant and decide to keep it I promise that I will be there for the baby, like, I want to be a dad too. Okay?"  Louis gulped.

"Okay." Harry breathed out. He leaned a little closer to pick up on Louis's scent to calm his nerves. Louis looked a little confused but he didn't comment on it.

They sat in silence after that, counting the seconds. When three minutes were up Harry took a deep breath.
"Okay, you look. I'm too nervous."

Louis picked up the stick and turned it around to look at it.
"No line! That means you're not pregnant, right?"

"Yeah, we're clear. I'm so relieved." Harry said and burst out crying.

Louis immediately wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
"Hey, don't cry. It's okay."

"Yeah." Harry said and tried to collect himself. He felt a bit stupid for crying. He dried his cheeks and took a couple of deep breaths. Louis removed his arm.
"I guess I'll be going then."

"You really don't remember, don't you?" Harry asked in disbelief.

"Remember what?" Louis questioned.

Okay, this would be a much tougher topic than a pregnancy test. Harry sighed.
"You bit me when we...we're mated, Louis."

Louis gasped. A hand flew to his mouth and he stared at Harry in utter horror.
"That happened? I thought it was a fantasy or something, you know a rut thing. Fuck! Why haven't you told me?"

"I was busy trying to cope with a possible teen pregnancy." Harry snorted.

"This is so much worse! Fuck. I really messed up. I..." Louis stressed, on the verge of tears.

Harry couldn't help but feel a little offended.
"You could do a lot worse!"

"I didn't mean it like that Harry but this is...mating is a huge deal. We don't know each other. We're way too young and what about the day we find someone we fall in love with? We can't mate them. We're stuck with each other. For life!" Louis argued upset.

Harry felt humiliated. He had obviously thought the same thing but hearing Louis basically saying that there wasn't even the slightest chance that he ever would fall in love with him hurt.
"You shouldn't have mated me then you fucking prick!"

"Don't put all the blame on me! You begged me to! You went all submissive!" Louis growled angrily.

Harry blushed.
"So you do remember!"

"Well, yeah but I thought it was a fantasy." Louis replied.

"Just go, Louis. I don't want you here anymore." Harry huffed.

Louis stared him down but then he got up and left without a word. Harry broke down crying as soon as he heard the front door close.

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