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His mum hugged him tightly as soon as he was dropped off by the police. They gave her a statement and she looked shocked.

As soon as they were inside the house she asked question after question, giving him no time to actually reply.
"Are you okay? You went into heat? You're an Omega? Where have you been? Are you hurt?"

"Mum! Slow down. I'm okay. Yes, I went into heat and I'm an Omega now. I'm not hurt. I'm sorry that I made you so worried." Harry said, clutching the blanket tightly around his body, making sure to hide his bonding spot.

"The police said that they found you with another boy. Harry, you have to answer honestly. Did you...oh God, did he rape you?" His mum asked with a trembling voice.

"No! It was an accident. He was there and he went into rut but we just helped each other through it." Harry said, staring at his mum with wide eyes and blushed cheeks. He had just told her that he had sex with a boy. He wasn't sure how she would react.

"Are you sure, sweetie? You can tell me if it wasn't what you really wanted." His mum said cautiously.

"I wanted it, okay?" Harry mumbled, cheeks turning even a brighter red.

"Okay. Did you use protection?" His mum asked bluntly.

"Uhm, no. It wasn't like we had planned it." Harry muttered.

"Alright, then we'll do a pregnancy test in two weeks." His mum said.

"What? Preg...you think I'm pregnant? I'm sixteen! I can't be pregnant!" Harry screeched.

"You're an Omega now sweetie. We'll make sure to get you tested and then we'll take it from there. So this boy, is he your boyfriend?" Anne asked. She sounded so calm but he could see that she wasn't.

"Ehm, no." Harry replied.

"Okay, do we need to test you for STDs as well?" His mum asked.

"No! I mean, I don't think so." Harry said and blushed. He was mortified. At least the cat was out of the bag for real. He hesitated before he asked the question that he feared the most.
"Mum, ehm, are you okay with me, that I like boys?"

His mum smiled reassuringly.
"Of course sweetheart. I don't care about things like that. I just want you to be happy."

He felt so relieved. He had to blink away his tears.
"Good. Can I take a shower now?"

"Oh, of course." His mum said. She blushed a little. Yeah, he was gross. Covered in...oh, this was so embarrassing! He rushed to his room.

Five minutes later he was in the shower, washing away every trace of his heat. He remembered it more clearly now., small flashes here and there. They had so much sex. It had been so dirty and raw but so sexy and passionate. For a first time he must say that it was a great experience. What he could remember of it anyhow. It hadn't even hurt. It was like he was meant to take it, and he guess he was, being an Omega and all. He still hadn't really grasped it. He was an Omega now. He just wished that the end of it had been less public.

He looked down at his body. Bruises and love bites were scattered all over it. He put his hand on his hips and his fingers covered the bruises left there. That made the pit of his stomach swirl. Louis left them there, gripping his hips tightly when he had fucked him. He didn't mind. He actually liked it. He had a swift memory of getting even more turned on when it hurt a little. Oh.

Louis was a complete mess. He had arrived at home and his mum had asked him where he had been, worried out of her mind. The police didn't tell her anything about his whereabouts since he was 18 and he refused to talk to her about it. She went on and on but he kept quiet. He didn't know how she would react if he told her that he had been with a boy. He just said that he was sorry and that he had been in a rut, unexpectedly but that he had been safe the whole time. He excused himself to go and take a shower.

He let the warm water wash over him. He just stood there and tried to make sense of it all. He had sex with a boy. That was... He had questioned his sexuality before but he had just kind of settled on being straight because that was easier. He had sex with an old girlfriend and that was okay. He hadn't been prepared that sex could feel like that. He had been in a rut obviously but that didn't explain the flashbacks of pure ecstasy and admiration he had over Harry's body, the way he sounded, how it felt. He was definitely not straight, but he wasn't ready to let anyone know that.

He had no idea how to act around Harry. They didn't know each other before this. Sure, he had seen him in the hallways. He was a really attractive guy, curly-haired, green-eyed, and dimple smiling. Ridiculously good-looking. He was also two years younger. They weren't in the same group of friends. He didn't think they had anything in common. He was finishing his last year of high school anyway. This wasn't the time to get into something and he couldn't exactly walk around holding hands with a boy anyhow without answering that question he avoided. They had agreed that it had been a circumstantial thing. Just sex. Maybe he should just avoid him all together? No, then he would be a total asshole. Why was he stressing so much about this? Chances were pretty big that Harry wouldn't even want to talk to him.

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