hey ... you're finally awake! goodbye :)

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... hey girlies (gender neutral)
so, as you've probably guessed, i'm done writing this book [shocked gasps and wails are heard in the audience]. i've kinda lost interest in twitch streamers as a whole; i thought schlatt streaming again would get me back into it but alas, no dice. i spent almost two years dreaming of his twitch return, but when it finally happened i literally couldn't have given less of a shit 😭😭

soooo yeah sorry for saying i was gonna update more when chuckle sandwich started ,, guess it took me a year and a half to finally realize that i am, in fact, a liar! can't believe i started this book in march 2020 to give myself something to do during lockdown, and here i am, in july of 2022, officially graduated from high school, actively recovering from covid as i write this. the world works in strange ways, doesn't it? maybe i'll start writing on here again. who knows.

regardless, i am still proud of a lot of what i've written. i'm just gonna mark this as finished and 'officially' put it to rest. thank you guys for absolutely everything, whether you've been here since the beginning or just found this book recently! y'all have been so incredibly kind and supportive, and it means the world to me. special shoutout to the friends i made through writing this, i've lost contact with almost all of you by now, but i'm hoping you know who you are out there <3

so long, gay bowser .........

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