sunflower - w.s.

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request from jschlong, based on a one shot by tommyfiinch

"... I need to know
Where I can go
When you're not around
And I'm feeling down..."

You smiled, leaning against your bedroom wall to better hear the angelic singing of your new neighbor next door. It's something you'd heard countless times before, but it never fails to be gorgeous, Plus, this time it was a Rex Orange County song, what could be better?

"... I, I need you so
'Cause right now you know
That nothing here's new
And I'm obsessed with you..."

Living in an apartment with thin walls had many, many, downsides, sure, you heard your other neighbors all the time, whether you wanted to or not. But the singing made it almost worth it.

You didn't know the name of the voice's owner, you had only seen him a few times in the apartment complex. But that didn't stop you from enjoying it all the same. It was the most beautiful sound you'd ever heard.

"I don't wanna see cry
You don't have to feel this emptiness
She said 'I'll love you 'til the day that I die'..."

Laying your head back on the pillow, you found yourself humming along to the familiar song. You even started tapping your finger to the beat. Almost like the two of you were having a jam session. Except he didn't know about it. Totally normal.

"And to be honest, I don't even know why,"

"I let myself get down in the first place," you sang along. You slapped your hand over your mouth, realizing what you'd done. The singing stopped. You laid in new silence, internally yelling at yourself. You dumbass, you really had to go and fuck it up, huh? you thought to yourself.

After a few minutes of wallowing in your own embarrassment, you heard a knock at your door. You sat up in bed, sighing. You knew who it was. You just didn't know if you could face him.

You got up and made your way over to your door, taking several deep breaths before opening it.

There he stood, way taller than me, wearing a yellow sweater and red beanie. He smiled, but his expression was still puzzled.

"Hey... were you the one singing along to me?" he asked, pointing a thumb towards his apartment.

"Um, yeah, sorry," you said. It took everything in you not to look down or play with your hair or anything, you didn't wanna make it more awkward than it already was. "It's just that Sunflower is one of my favorite songs and your voice sounds really good and I couldn't help myself."

"Oh, don't apologize," he said, putting his hand in his pocket. "And hey, you've got good taste in music, we should hang sometime." He pulled out a sticky note with a phone number on it.

"Y-yeah sure!" you replied, perking up a bit. You grabbed the paper. "Oh, should probably ask, what's your name?"

"I'm Will or Wilbur, either's fine," he said. "And yours?"

"(Y/N)," you answered. "Well, I'll see you around, Wilbur."

"You too, (Y/N)," he smiled, turning to leave. You softly closed the door, smiling as you did so. You finally met him. That's kinda cool.

You walked back to your room, grabbing your phone to text Wilbur:

hey! it's (y/n) :)

Moments later, you got a reply:

hello! glad I finally met you lol
when are you free to jam?

sometime this weekend?

yeah that's chill
see you then :D

you too!

You put your phone down, finally having something to look forward to this week. You made a new friend! Even if you had to be a huge dork to do it.

hope this fulfilled your request! :)
also thank you all for the incredible amount of support on my ted one shot!! it means the world, you're all so lovely <3

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