111 days - j.s.

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a/n: i'll be calling schlatt 'jay' in this and most other stories that include him. i feel like people close to him don't call him schlatt, idk man lmao

"Is today the day?"

You sipped your water as you sat on Jay's bed, looking at him in his chair in front of his desk. He adjusted his baseball cap and sighed, he was used to you asking the same question every few days.

"I don't know... how long has it been?" he asked, turning the fair around to face you.

"Like, around a hundred days, at this point," you replied. You couldn't remember the exact number, but Twitter stans sure could. You had an undercover fan account, just to see what people had to say about your roommate and his friends. Also to post photos of Jay that you'd taken, only for all the replies to be 'oomf where'd you get this??'

"Really?" he said. "Damn, I thought it was more." He put a hand over his mouth, resting his elbow on the chair's armrest. He didn't speak for a while, he looked too deep in thought. Or just tired, considering he had woken up an hour ago. At 6:30 pm.

"That didn't answer my question," you said.

"Ok, and?" he asked. "I don't work for you."

"The way you talk about it makes it sound like a horrible upcoming event, it's just a stream, dude," you pointed out.

"I know, I know..." he said. "I'm just thinking... maybe it is the day."

"Oh?" you questioned. "You're actually gonna do it?" You made your way over to his desk as he turned back round to face his main monitor. You leaned forward on the back of his chair, seeing his blank expression reflected on the screen.

"Maybe, I don't know," he said. "It's been so long, what if no one watches? Why would anyone wanna watch a guy who hasn't done his job in over three months?" His tone was different. Anxious, even.

"Jay, you've been posting on YouTube pretty consistently, you're doing your job," you said. "And you know your fans, I see tweets everyday wondering when you'll stream again, people will watch." He let out a deep sigh.

"Yeah, I know, but the worry's still there, maybe it's safer if I stick to YouTube for now," he replied. "The more I think about it, the more I don't wanna do it."

Neither of you spoke for a while. Comfortable silence feel between you two, but you could still sense the argument he was having with himself. To stream or not to stream, that was the question. He rubbed his face and groaned.

"What do you think I should do?" he asked you. You thought for a moment before answering.

"First, do actually wanna stream?" you asked. "You shouldn't do it if you don't want to, Jay."

"I mean, kind of? I miss streaming but I also like doing just YouTube videos right now," he said. "And my recent ones have been doing really well."

You hummed in response. "Okay, so maybe try streaming for a bit tonight, a chill game like Animal Crossing or something, and see how you like it. If you do, great! Maybe you'll start streaming consistently again. If you don't, you can go back to doing just YouTube," You added.
He nodded.

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