flash photography - t.n.

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requested by dakara-naporiton

After scrolling through Twitter for what felt like hours on a very uneventful day, you got a text:

da milk man 🐄🐄🐄
Hey are you uhh busy

nah whats up?

ok so you know how I'm releasing merch soon


Could you come do a quick photo shoot with it?

uh sure why not lol

Oh my GOD thank you
Sorry it's last minute, the other person flaked

oh np np
which piece is it?

The tie dye milk long sleeve


Ok I can pick you up in like 10 minutes?


"Damn, maybe this will be eventful," you muttered to yourself. With that, you quickly got ready before you heard the familiar sound of a Toyota Tacoma's horn outside.

- time skip brought to you by shimshaw creamtime-

"Ok, (Y/N), could you lean your head a bit more to the left?"

You obliged Ted's request, leaning over a bit, running your hand through your hair as you did so.

"Yes, perfect, don't move," he said. Once again, you complied, stating still in front of the setting sun while he took a few more pictures on his phone. You two had only been out for about an hour, but wearing a long-sleeve shirt in the middle of August made you sweat like crazy, you couldn't wait for him to finish.

"Ok, aaaand..." Ted drew out the vowel as he kneeled to take a few more shots. "Alright, that should be good," he finished, standing up and opening the Photos app. You sighed with relief.

"Thank god, it's hot as balls," you said, wiping your forehead with the back of your hand. You made your way over to him, seeing that he was through the tens of photos he took of you. "We're done with pictures?"

"Hm?" he looked up at you. "Oh, yeah, we're good."

"Sick," you replied, peeling off the long-sleeve to reveal your much more comfortable t-shirt underneath.

"Hey, uh, thanks for doing this, by the way," Ted said, not taking his attention away from his phone. "Means a lot, y'know?"

"No problem," you smiled. "Pals support pals."

After a few more minutes of silence, he turned to you. "Ok so, I've narrowed it down to four pictures, let me know what you think," he said, handing you his phone.

You scrolled through his choices, admiring how good Ted did. The way the backlight of the sun shone through your hair, illuminating only one side of your face, making you look almost ethereal, save for the New York City background. Your eyes sparkled in the sunlight in a way you didn't know they could; hell, you weren't even sure it was you.

"Holy shit, Ted, you made me look good," you said in awe, fixated on the pictures that he took. He chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Thanks, (Y/N)," he said. You handed his phone back to him, grinning.

"So, you excited?" you asked him.

"Oh hell yeah, my merch is gonna be fuckin' sick!"

[ wc: 406 ]
i'M NOT DEAD ITS JUST BEEN LIKE A MONTH BUT HI!!! trying to get my groove back lmao,, i know this is a short one but!! i thought this idea was cute! hope y'all enjoyed! i'm super excited for ted's merch oh my gOsh (here's da shirt mentioned)

—[ wc: 406 ]i'M NOT DEAD ITS JUST BEEN LIKE A MONTH BUT HI!!! trying to get my groove back lmao,, i know this is a short one but!! i thought this idea was cute! hope y'all enjoyed! i'm super excited for ted's merch oh my gOsh (here's da shirt ment...

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also working a few more requests so that's pretty cash money

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