road trip - t.n.

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song - sloppy seconds by watsky

"Ready to go, (Y/N)?"

Ted slammed the trunk of your car shut as you looked back at the apartment building one last time. Sure, you two would only be gone for a week or so, but still. That was a week away from everything you knew in New York.

"Yep!" you replied, turning around to face Ted. "Are you?"

"Uh, yeah, I think so," he said, patting down his pockets to make sure he had his belongings. "Yep, we're good!" he confirmed, smiling.

"Great, let's go!" you said, getting in the passenger seat. You and Ted had already set a driving schedule, and that meant he was going first. You pulled out your phone for directions as Ted got in the driver's seat next to you. You smiled at him, and he looked confused.

"What?" he asked, smiling back.

"Nothing, it's just..." you trailed off. "I can't believe we're finally doing this, y'know?"

Ted didn't answer for a moment, he only looked off into the distance, as of searching for the right words.

"I mean, I can't either, really," he said. "It's gonna be so weird to just... finally get a break from everything for a bit."

"Yeah, I guess so," you said.

A comfortable silence fell between the two of you as you relived all the memories that led up to this moment. Months of planning, sleepless nights, and laughing at dumb jokes culminated into this one trip. It meant a lot, to say the least. You smiled once more.

"Well, no point in getting all sappy now, we got a hotel to get to!" you said, putting your phone up so Ted could see the map on the screen.

"I guess you're right," he said.

With that, he put the car into reverse and backed out of the parking lot. You looked back at your apartment window one last time as the car pulled out of the parking lot.

You turned back to Ted driving, and as you were about to speak, he asked a question.

"So, since I'm driving... I get to pick the music, right?"

You rolled your eyes jokingly and chuckled, "Yeah, I guess as long as it's not-"

"The Toyota Tacoma playlist?!" he cried. "Excuse you, that playlist is fucking LEGENDARY, alright?"

"Ted, we're not even in the Tacoma!" you laughed. "We're in my car!"

"That doesn't change the fact that my Toyota Tacoma playlist is a outright BANGER, alright?" he said, trying not to laugh at the end.

"Alright, fine," you said, raising your hands in joking defeat. "I'll play the stupid Tacoma playlist, but only if I get to pick the music when I drive, ok?" you added.

Ted squinted his eyes, as if considering your offer. "Deal," he said.

You took your phone to open Spotify and select the playlist, putting it on shuffle. The first song to play was Pork Soda by Glass Animals. You put your phone back as you leaned back in your seat, smiling. It may have only been about five minutes, but you could tell this road trip was gonna be unforgettable.

thanks for reading my first lc oneshot! let me know what you think =)

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