lofi beats to relax/study to - n.h.

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requested by iswearimnotasmip

A sigh left your mouth as you skimmed through the third Google Slide that night, only taking notes on what looked important (which wasn't much). You told yourself this time would be different, you were supposed to spend the weekend studying so you could save your GPA, but no. Your Saturday night was spent hanging out with friends and going to Target at one in the morning, leaving Sunday night the only time you had to cram as much information as possible before Monday's test. Did you regret it? Well no, not until you realized you had seven slideshows to sift through. And it was 2:27 a.m.

At that point, you couldn't even tell what you were supposed to be taking notes on, you were just writing down the highlighted sections while listening to that lofi radio on YouTube. Your productivity had pretty much flat-lined at this point; you were spending more time spinning around in your desk chair than actually going over the slideshows. It had been about an hour and you only had four bullet points
written. Just shows that you are the monarch of education and time management skills.

It probably didn't help that you hadn't slept in... wow, you couldn't even remember. A day? Thirty-six hours? Two days? Yeah, that sounds close enough, you thought. The music you had put on to help you focus just seemed to make you more tired than anything. The chill melody, the feeling of familiarity it gave you, the overall softness... just made you wanna... take a quick nap or something...

Just as your eyelids started to feel heavier than usual, your roommate walked in your room.

"Hey, how's..." Noah stopped when he saw you were about to hit the desk. He walked over to you, pushing you back so you didn't fall onto your desk.  "Hey, hey, maybe you should head to bed, alright?"

"Hmm?" you mumbled, rubbing your eyes. "No, I'm- I'm fine, Noah, I–" you were cut off by a yawn– "I'm fine, I'm good."

"(Y/N), you're about to pass out, when was the last time you slept?" he asked, getting on one knee to look at you.

"Mhm..." you mumbled, falling over onto him.

"Woah–," Noah was definitely surprised, but despite that, he caught you, grabbing your arms and sitting you back up. "I'm just gonna take you to your bed, ok?"

"No, no, I.. I need to study," you protested, less than half awake at this point.

"No, you need to sleep," he replied. "Here, lift up your arms."

You did as he asked, and even though you were basically asleep at this point, you could swear he picked you up and carried you to your bed. Did he carry you bridal-style? Maybe, who knows. All you could remember was waking up the next morning in your bed, feeling refreshed and ready for the day, only to check the time on your phone and realize you had overslept. Shit.

[wc: 500]
back with my monthly update oops B)
but aNyways i hope i fulfilled the request! i believe you asked for fluff and i did my best,, this is my first time writing noah stuff so yeah i hope it's ok T-T
(also if you got a bunch of notifs at once it's bc i'm taking the numbers out of the titles, they're just annoying to keep up with)

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