Puppy or a duck?

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" How did you survive the dark magic?"

"That's a complicated story."

" we have time."

" actually we don't you have to leave remember."

" good point your coming with us."

" excuse me?" She said put off by how simple he made it sound. As if he wasn't demanding a clearly powerful witch with him in a small space for a lengthy amount of time.

"Come on then."


The bumpy ride of the truck made it difficult for her number two pencil to gracefully glide against the paper. Art was always an escape for her like a passage into a different world. It gave her an out of body experience that just let her think. Think about the fact that she was in a truck next to her dead father. Well he was always dead but her permanently dead father.

"Are you going to explain now or am I gonna have to force it out of you."

" I come from a powerful blood line. And firstborns are even stronger."

" What makes you so strong cause she made it very clear even the strongest witch she knew wouldn't have survived."

" the strongest witch she knew wouldn't have but-" she sighs putting down the pencil. Knowing she had to give him something she looked straight ahead at the road as the words continued. " I'm the first witch in my bloodline for centuries. My birth wasn't supposed to be possible. all that unstored magic had to go somewhere. I'm the decent of one of the most powerful witches to exist but also the cruelest. Its not something I like to talk about." She told her half truth hoping making sure her heart rate stayed steady.

" I've never heard of anything like that."

" yeah well no one heard of hybrids until you."

" that's true.. how old are you?"

" almost 17." His eyes go wide, and his face turns to one of shock.

" When did you discover your powers?" He questions wondering how she was so in control of her powers, his brother only came to them at fourteen. And when he did it took years to stop the magical outbursts.

" Well, not that I remember, but I was eight months old. I saved me and my grandmother."

" Okay, if you're really this strong, how did you end up in Chicago?"

" my friend was infected with black magic. Even more black magic then she blasted into me. She was threatening to kill a town worth of people unless she got what she wanted. I was the strongest one there, so I challenged her to a fight. But she was still my best friend, I pulled my punches and took the power out of my spells."

"You're sixteen where we're your parents as your saving the world."

Her pencil strokes pause, as her eyes flicker to the driver. For a second she wanted to say right here. But he wasnt here, this isn't the man that fought for her, this isn't the man who loved her. This man is still the monster the world knew not the dad she loved. " They died a year ago."

His eyes glanced at her before looking at the road and tightening his grip on the steering wheel." How?" He asked after clearing his throat.

" it's ironic how cruel supernaturals are to what they don't understand. Considering they are the unfathomable to baseline normality."

" what happened?"

" They had a child whose very birth was against nature. Despite all the warnings, they fought against nature, and as expected they died."

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