Leaving the nest

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* I don't know why Wattpad keeps marking this story as complete. We still have a while to go.*

Alaric and Stefan's diaries used to be the bane of her existence. They painted such a cruel picture of her family, it left only so many possibilities for her. She knew she'd been  raised by a woman who sacrificed an entire pack and a monster who made that look like a dream. But she also had good moments that her classmates would never know.

So what other option for her was there other then to follow in there footsteps. You'd think that meant that kids left her even more alone when they fount out but children rarely use their brains. Having a thousand year old family was great gossip, even better if your a supernatural unicorn. (Not literally.)

So she used to despised those books but she'd never expected to be thrown into the past. She had never been so thankful for the hours she spent memorizing those pages. Now she had a list of what had to be done.


Klaus had been avoiding her since he asked her to collect mikeal's ashes. She expected it, your can't ask someone to spare their mortal enemy and pretend it never happened. Unfortunately it makes this conversation harder then it was going to be in the first place.

The construction of their more permanent home was coming along faster then she expected. The frame of the mansion was almost at the point where she couldn't just walk through the open walls.

" Nik?"

She silently sends out her sympathy to Elijah. She had only heard stories of how her dad behaved before her. But she never realized how childish he was. Ignoring someone seems to be his go to after a disagreement.

" Klaus for the love of god I know you hear me." She could sense his magically presence somewhere in the construction

" you called me klaus, must be serious." He says vamping right in front of her annoyed face, his hiding his concern.

" Or it could be because you were ignoring me like a child."

" says the child." He says aiming for sarcasm but his eyes telling a different story. It's like they were picking her apart searching for answers.

" so I'd know then wouldn't I."

" Were you screaming off my ear for a reason or just particularly interested in being irritating today?"

" we need to talk."

" if your going to ask me to spare Katerina next I'm gonna have to have more then a talk."

" your hilarious, honest comedic genius." She says rolling her eyes and starting to pace. " I need to tell you something and you need to not over react."

His eyebrows bunch up in a concerned confusion, it reminded her so much of her dad. When the hollow was in her that seemed to be the only face he could make. In a thousand years there was little he hadn't experienced first, but the ancient spirit of the witch who created wolves was unknown territory. And certainly not in parenting books.

" I'm leaving, just for a-" She sounded like an only child moving away from codependent parents. For gods sake she wasn't leaving for good and he didn't even know she is his daughter. So why are they both acting like the end of the world.

" what?"

" just a couple weeks nik, I have to take care of some old family issues then I'll be back."

" where are you going?"

" I'm not entirely sure, but I'm staying in America. Nik I'm bringing my phone we can  talk and I won't be gone long."

" what family issues?"

" beings as powerful as me and my family aren't without enemies. I don't want them following me here. I have a list I'll take care of it then be right back."

" I'll come with."

" no your gonna undagger your family like you've been waiting to safely do for centuries.-" nearly a millennium in some cases ( poor Finn).

" they've been fine for centuries they can be fine for a couple more weeks."

" your not coming, nik-"

" then you'll take the hybrids." He couldn't remember that last time he attempted compromise instead of just taking what he wanted.

" they're 'immortality' isn't like yours. Heart or head and they're dead."

" your mortality is as fragile as they come."

" im a lot harder to kill trust me. My magic works unconsciously it always has, I've been saving my own life since I was a couple weeks old. If I didn't know I cold beat them I wouldn't go."

" your taking a six hybrids."

" no, thank you though."

" it cute you think I'm giving you an option. You'll take the hybrids or your not leaving this house." God it's moments like these she's reminded this really is her dad.

" I get to pick which hybrids." She knew she could leave without his permission but they were already on rocky territory. Abandonment issues aren't a joke and nik has a thousand years worth. She could try and give him this peace of mind.

" you can pick three."

" I'll take them if you promise not to use them for information. No super secret spying."

" I'm aloud to check if you're alright."

" yes but not aloud to ask names, dates, or any personal details.  It's already not pleasant and I'll tell you when I want to."

For a second his eyes were conflicted. He had never placed blind trust in people even his siblings. But his family was immortal even for immortality standards, Hope was not. A witch even one as powerful as her could still make a fatal mistake. So choosing between her life and information wasn't an easy decision but ultimately only had one ending.

" okay."


"I haven't seen a Mikealson Ex in awhile."

Any guesses on which ex

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