Going back

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" So who wants to go first." One of the hybrids raises his hand. " Hope you want to take him or should I?"

" I need a punching bag."

" Just don't kill him."

" The witch, you think the puny little witch will take me on?"

" You think you can take her down, be my guest. Just don't die mate, she's grumpy." Klaus says clapping on the unprepared hybrid almost feeling bad for the lad.

He takes the first punch, using his new vampire strength, she redirects it. Causing him to crash into a tree, using his distraction she snaps his neck. " next."

She huffed breathing heavily, tired from taking on six hybrids without using any of her werewolf abilities to avoid suspension. " This batch is dumber than the last."

" Or maybe your angrier."

" 'Hope I'm so impressed with your bizarre fighting abilities. In my billion years on earth, I've never seen a witch with your hand to hand combat.'" She imitates his accent, "' oh thank you Nik, I feel so appreciated, for helping you train your hybrids."

" you done? or should I camp out here waiting for you to finish."

A dizzy spell hits as she stumbles into his arms, " Love, the lack of sleep and not eating isn't healthy."

" I think it's the black magic and ancestors, making me sick so I can't eat. And the constant use of my magic fighting them isn't helping my sleeping habits. But it is just a matter of time until they wain off."

" Hope." He acknowledges, distress emitting through his voice.

" I am fine. Now back to the problem in the form of hybrids. They have an arrogant fighting style, they put so much faith into their new strength that they are projecting their next move as if they can't lose. Mediocrely trained, and rude, this pack is not my favorite."

" You have a favorite?"

" Yes, I'll tell you someday."


" Hope we've got to go back."

" To mystic falls? Why?"

" Stefan called, he and Rebekah said mikeal's dead."

" It's a trap, there is no way anyone in that town killed the destroyer."

" I don't disagree, little witch."

" Then we bring the well-trained hybrids, and we walk into the trap, setting another trap."

" The question is on who."

" They'll have Elena protected, and Damon and Stefan would let Bonnie or Caroline die, so either Stefan or Damon," Hope says as they walk through the woods, towards the car.

" Stefan even without his emotions would never let Damon die. And Stefan being compelled they wouldn't-"

" trust him to make the final blow, That could give him the opportunity to stop whoever tries anything,-" She continued his thought.

" If bestowed the right motivation."

" That's if Mikael doesn't go for you himself."

" Not if he can't get in a house-"

" Then he'd have to let someone who has already been invited in kill you, or at least leverage you out."

" But we need something that would make them think they have taken me by surprise."

" Like a party?"

" Or a funeral. I have been waiting for his death for a millennia."

" I'll make the arrangements, and call Tyler to have him start setting up."

" We make a pretty good team."

" Yeah... what if it doesn't work."

" I'll be fine, this isn't the first time he's tried to kill me."

" You better be, or I'll resurrect you just to torture you for the rest of eternity."

" Nice to know you care."

She playfully punched him, causing him to chuckle, before arriving at the car.


" Hope, when we get there, you can't be anywhere near that house." He stated seriously, fear of losing her overwhelming him. He knew she had the potential to save his life if it came down to that, but he could let her get hurt or worse. He rarely felt like this, he and his siblings were immortal, yes he was afraid of his father succeeding , but the chances of their death were a lot less reachable than hopes. Even though he's only known her for a couple of weeks, and yet the thought of her  death physically hurt him.

" You think I'm going to let you face Mikeal, the original vampire hunter, the destroyer, alone? Not a chance."

" I'm not asking."

" Good, I'm not going to listen anyway."

" Hope this is serious."

" Yes it is, and no offense but you've been running from him for a thousand years, and your chances increase magically with an all-powerful witch on your side."

" A mortal, all-powerful witch."

" Fine if you're worried about me dying give me your arm.'' She takes a knife out of her pocket and slices his wrist, after letting the blood drip down her throat. " now if I die ill come back." she didn't really need his blood to turn, but he didn't know that.

" A vampire, without your magic," He said, thinking back to what it did to his brother, losing a that part of himself. He also knew that pain, losing something that had been a part of him. He didn't even know he was a werewolf, until days before he lost that side of him. But it was still a piece of him, part of what made him, him. And the thousand years he spent without it was the hardest of his life. He wouldn't wish it on anyone, let alone Hope.

" No, I won't." she says, revealing a little bit more then she should, to calm his worries.

" What?" He said partly shocked and partly confused, you couldn't be a witch and a vampire nature wouldn't allow it.

" Let's just say, I have too much magic to lose it even if I do turn."

" You really are something, little witch."

" You have no idea."

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