Lost Memories

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" Stop that." she finally snaps, frustrated with how he could be so close and feel so far away. She spent majority of her life away from her father she didn't need to be right next to him feeling the same way.

" Stop, what?"

" Stop pushing me away, you know there's no reason to be embarrassed."

" I'm not." He instantly denied, refusing to show weakness. It was how he was raised, even though his childhood was not a pleasant one, some lessons stuck.  Crying was a weakness, and being weak got you killed.

" You haven't glanced at me, you answer everything I say with three or fewer words."

" You shouldn't have seen me like that."

" I've had a couple of breakdowns myself. It runs in my family, one of them I almost barbecued one of my aunts. You hold things inside and eventually you're going to explode, it's nothing to be ashamed of." She attempted to reassure, although she was sure it wasn't going to be that easy.

"You shouldn't have seen me like that." He repeated, not wavering in his answer.

" You said that already, so what's really wrong?"

" I was weak, I c-" He abruptly stops himself.

" You cried? Is that what this is about, you expressed a simple sentiment, and now you assume that I think that your kicked puppy?"

" It doesn't matter."

" I think that crying is what reminds us we're human, just as much as happiness and anger. It isn't a sign of weakness, but overwhelming strength."

" We're not human."

" You were once." Sensing the need for a change in topic knowing this would distract him from the unending conversation that was feelings.

" What of you"

" I've never been human."

" What?"

" My bloodline is strictly supernatural, the closest I've ever been to human was when I had to wear a bracelet to block my magic."

" Bracelet? Why would you need to block your magic."

" It's easier to track an atomic blast than a bonfire. My mother had someone transfer the magic from anti-magic chains into a bracelet my uncle and aunt made. It kept me safe, but I hated it, wearing to made me feel-"

He cuts her off knowing exactly what she was trying to say. "Incomplete? Like a part of you missing?"

" They were doing their best to keep me safe so I ignored it until one day I took it off."

" Just like that?"

" Yes, for a little while."

" why were you running?" He asks realizing what she said. I. His defense a mother running with a child was far from normal.

" my family made a lot of enemies before I was born they weren't so happy to learn of my existence."

" they were hunting you? Not your mum."

" No nearly everyone loved my mom. My dads side was the reason I was hunted."

" she must of been amazing if your any indication, little witch." She smiles sadly, at the old nickname. " Why do you do that?" He asks catching her odd look.


" Every time I say, 'little witch' your expression changes."

" My father used to call my mother and I something similar." She said, with a mournful expression.

" I could call you something else if you like."

" No, I don't mind, you remind me of him." It wasn't a lie, her father and this man were two very different people. She knew who her father was before her birth, he was cruel, even to his family. He, himself told her as much. After her birth with the help of a cblond, a hybrid, and a suited original, he worked to be a better person or as he put it 'worthy of being her father.' This man may be kind to her, but it's probably some wolf instinct. She knew he was cruel, but she still saw glimmers of the person she lost. He was her savior and others villain.

Seeing her expression reminded him of something he tried to forget, Marcellus. His death, mourning the loss of the boy he thought of like a son. The look on her face making him say something he hasn't to even his family, "I lost somebody too, it took decades before I could even say his name. I'd be lying to say it gets better but it does get easier."

" If you don't mind me asking, who was he."

" my son, Marcellus, I adopted him almost two hundred years ago."

" Can you tell me a story about him?"


The italics are in the story and the regular is klaus telling it

" He was about fifteen, there was a meteor shower, witches predicted, he wanted to watch more than anything in the world."

' Please I'll be careful.' The stubborn teenager begs

' Marcellus I told you, it's too dangerous, your human.'

" But it was a full moon, then werewolves would be out of control,"

' Only because you won't turn me.'

' that would just make you more of a target. Besides your fifteen, you should be bugging me about girls, or guys whichever, not becoming immortal.'

'Girls, pa, and stop trying to change the subject.'  He says with a rolling of the eyes.

' There's nothing to change because I already said no.'

" But he was persistent." " like his father?" He shushed her, with a playful glare. She smiled knowing she made a painful moment a little better. "He did just as I thought he would,"

'Where do you think you're going?' Klaus says as he stands outside his son's window as jumps out.

' stupid vampire hearing.' He mutters under his breathe only caught by klaus' ears because of the cursed thing in question.

' it has nothing to do with hearing, I've been waiting out here since you went to your room.'

' How did you know.'

" He snuck out or tried to anyway."

' it's what I would have done. And you're in trouble, risking your life like that.'

' pa-'

' after we watch the bloody meteors.'


' you think id let you roam around a bunch of wolves without me?'


" that's sounds lovely."

"It was for a little while."

" until Mikael."

His eyes darken instantaneous when he hears his name, the name that haunted him for a thousand years. His stepfather, the person who abused, hunted, and tortured for a thousand years. " How do you know that name."

" He tried to kill my family."

" ' Tried,' I've never heard of anyone who could survive mikeal, except my family."

" I had a pretty special family," She mutters out staring at the floor like it was the prettiest mural she's seen.

" You've got another one now."

Sorry I haven't been updating, schools been just as crazy as my family... but I'm gonna try to get back to writing more. I hope your having a fantastic existence, if not I'm always here to help.

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