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" let's get you to the house first."

" mikeal?" She didn't bother saying the rest knowing the name was enough of a question. Although She secretly hoped the body was nothing more than an illusion. Hope knew exactly how this conversation would go, her and Klaus always thought similar. In either eye this was an act of betrayal.

" will he wake?"

She wished. But her magic was more than strong enoughp to keep him asleep till the day she died, without ever thinking about it again.

" not unless you want me to wake him." She knew Klaus didn't know the context behind it yet. She just hopes he remembers she said it.

" Then i'll have a hybrid bring him to the house while we get you better." He says picking up the young witch and speeding off.


" Nik we need to talk."

" first we need to get you all healed up, kill dear old dad, then we can chat."

" that's what I want to talk about. Killing him." She said turning away from his confused glare.

" what?"

" don't." There was probably better ways to ask for something as monumental as this but she couldn't think of one. Well at least not before it slipped passed her lips.

She hates this, hates the wall she's building between her and her dad. Getting close to him was all she ever wanted but now she might've wrecked it for a guy she wants to kill too. But her dad didn't get the chance to raise her. Aunt freya did, every hard day at school, every crush, every school dance, freya was there. She deserved this.

"Excuse me?"

" I know how it sounds."

" it sound like the person I've known for a month is asking me not to kill the man who's been tormenting me for a millennia."

" Nik-"

" No more vague. I want an explanation now." Recognizing the tone of her voice, he cuts Hope off not wanting to hear what ever excuse she was about to give. He wished it was because he was annoyed and not because she could convince him.

" I'm not asking you to let him live freely. Dagger him or I'll spell in a cave or keep him asleep."

" you keep requesting things. I didn't ask what you want I'm asking why."

" it's complicated." Was an unbelievably overwhelming truth for her entire life.

" why are you trying to save him?! you said he tried to kill your family?"

" he did."

" So you just have a thing for helping monsters. Me, mikeal, who's next the loch Ness?"

" I'm not doing it for him. You don't think I want him dead?"

" Then why? Why save him?"

" it's complicated."

" I suggest you uncomplicate it, sweetheart before I get even more suspicious." He takes a threatening step towards her.

" I owe someone, they love your father." The witch carefully strings her words together.

" your telling me my dad 'Hitlers bff fell in love' and you want to bundle up his undead corpse as payment." If he had thought anyone else had even suggested that. they wouldn't have time to defend themselves.

" what no gross. It's not a girlfriend."

" then what-"

" it's your sister." Hope interrupts klaus' repetitive question.

" Rebekah would never."

" not Rebekah. Freya-"

" died a millennium ago." He corrects clearly annoyed. " Of plague, how you even know her name is questionable."

" she's alive, she always has been. She sleeps for a hundred and lives for a year. She protected my family a long time ago."

You" did you have an agenda the whole time? Got close and figured mikeal would pop up someday." His eyes widen and he takes a shocked step backwards. Had any of it meant anything? " Play Jiminy cricket convince me to spare him for some generational debt?"

" no of course not. If you trust me even a little, you'll-"

" Any trust I placed in you is clearly built on a lie."

" Nik I know you and betrayal have a complicated history and I'd never do any of it without your okay."

" the okay? Your a witch you don't need my approval-"

" it's your dad, your sister.  I won't be the one to make this decision it's not my place. But I've lost parents before, my relationship with my dad was very similar to theirs. My family had a long history of hurting people, everyone besides me. And even though he was evil, to me he was just my dad." She probably shouldn't have let that information slip but it was too important not too. " he's her dad and when she wakes up it be nice for her to have the option to visit him, even if it's just in his mind."

" How do I know your telling the truth? How do I know this isn't an elaborate back up plan." The instant he says it she takes his hand in hers.

Instead of just holding it like most world she bring it to her neck. " listen to my heart beat, if you get even the smallest inkling that I'm lying snap my neck and kill him. I care too much about you to cause you harm. I don't want him to live but I don't want her to suffer."

To put her ahead of thousand years of hatred towards mikeal was unthinkable. Even if she had told him the truth she'd never imagine them here right now.

" you have no idea what you're asking of me."

" I wish I didn't have to."

Silence overwhelmed the large room, settling over the two.

" I have rules."


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