Alone together

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thank you for being my first comment on this book, this chapter is dedicated to you. I hope you enjoy it!


" You barely know me."  There identical blue eyes connect, silent emotions swarming between them.

" Yet you willingly helped me, something not even my own family does." He loves his siblings more then anything in the world, but they didn't understand. The feeling of being the only person like him, but Hope did. Though she was a witch, she didn't belong to a coven, it was just her. In a way they were alone together. Even now that he can make hybrids they still wouldn't be like him. And Hope, even though klaus may not know, could never make another of her species, she was one of a kind.

" I think old age is making you softer." They chuckle, everything needed to be said was hidden in their gaze.

" Please, I don't look a day over a thousand." 

" Thank you." She says honestly, it was nice to know her father liked the person she became for more then just being his daughter. But at the same time this man and her father weren't the same so would their opinions be the same?

" All I've done is blessed you with my company."

" Seriously, thank you,"  She presses wanting him to know how thankful she was for him.

" What for, little witch."

" For not making me talk about it. For trusting me."

" Just don't betray it. Your welcome."

" Let's make some hybrids."


Hope and klaus had been traveling pack to pack, asking wolves if they wanted to be turned. Yes, the klaus mikealson is respecting freewill, not without influence from Hope. She lays in another hotel, restless in a bed next to Klaus'.  The closer she gets to this version of her father the more memories plague her nights. Every bad thing that ever happened to her, attacked her dreams.

" Sweetheart, it two, go to sleep." Klaus says in a rough and tired voice.

" I can't." She responds frustrated, causing him to sigh and turn on a lamp. His eyes fluttered open, before analyzing Hope's expression.

" What's wrong."

" I'm just restless."

" Why?"

" My bodies got a lot going on in it, usually it's not this bad. But I feel like I'm going to explode."

" Magic, emotions, or both?"

" Both. Imagine binge drinking a lot of blood then instantly trying to go to sleep."

" Not pleasant. But I'm aware that you haven't been sleeping this past week."

" I'm fine."

" You know someone once told me, 'You hold things inside and eventually you're going to explode.'"

" Yeah well you held it in for a thousand years, I'll be good for at least another week."

" That's rather unhealthy."

" Coming from you, I must be clinical."

" No arguments here, little witch."

" Go to sleep, we have hybrids to train."

" You mean you have hybrids to toss around."

" You want to compliment me on my fighting, do it straight forward."

" You need to sleep."

" And we are back to the beginning." She says throwing a pillow over her own face.

" the risk of being this sleep deprived for a human would be a major inconvenience but manageable, a witch could become highly unstable, but one of your caliber could set Antarctica on fire."

" They're no witches if my caliber, and it's not that hard to burn as you would think not like it isn't already melting."

" Stop it, this is serious. What do you usually do to relax."

" Nothing that's an option."  She says think back to her peaceful times turning in the woods, or her yelling moment with Lizzie. But both options would in either exposing her secrets, making them useless, or accidentally killing people in the woods.

" That's vague."

" Isn't just about everything I say."

" Tell me what's on your mind, then."

" My friends, am I being selfish, traveling with you? Shouldn't I be fighting to break the spells that separates me from them. I mean Josie is infused with dark magic, that rivals my own, I'm the only one who could stop her. So if anyone gets hurts, it's on me, and what if someone dies. Or what about the attacks on the school, so far I've taken most of them, what happens if they try by themselves. Or what happens if they try to get me back, they can't handle the black magic it would take, it could kill them all." By the end she was sobbing with shaky breath.

" Hey it's okay, come here." She waddles off her bed and into the covers of his. As cuddles into his side,strong arms wrap protectivly around her. " You can't put everything on yourself, your just a kid."

" I cant-"

" Hope, you're child, and whether or not you want to go back is your decision. But not because you think it's your duty to save the world, but because you miss the people you love."

" I don't think I want to go, at least not yet. Does that make me a bad person?" She cries into his hold, gripping his shirt afraid this entire adventure will fade if she loosens her grip. Afraid that her father would leave her again.

" You are one of the kindest most selfless person I know."

"Thank you." She says before drifting of to sleep in his protective arms. Klaus following shortly once he's sure her breathing leveled out.


" Your staring."  She says, her eyes still closed.

" Well i didn't want to wake you." She gets up and starts looking through her suitcase before turning around at the sound of his voice. " What was it about?"

" What?"

" You cried in your sleep, I calmed you down but."

" I'm fine."

" How many times will you say that before you believe it?"

" That's ironic isn't it?"

" Yes it is, you who not even two weeks ago, you were saying something similar." He says as she walks in the bathroom clothes in hand to change for the day.

" So we are both hypocrites."

"This isn't the end of this conversation, but we have another batch of hybrids to train."


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