Father like son

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"Good evening everyone! I wanna thank you for being here with me to celebrate! It's been a long time coming." That was the truth even if the celebration was premature. He's been waiting a millennia for this chance.

" Keep your eyes open, follow the plan, I'll be here." She mutters to klaus after he makes his way over to her.

" Stay safe, or I'll be the one reviving you, just to kill you again."

" That threat doesn't work if your not a witch." She smiles with her eyes, as her mouth takes the shape of a smirk she doesn't mean.

" I'll get a witch to do it."

" So you're going to threaten a witch to fulfill a threat to a different witch, that sounds like a lot of work." She chuckles causing him to playfully nudge her.

" Just don't die."

" I won't, not permanently anyway."

He playfully glares before she walks towards some hybrids.


" Elena or should I say Katerina." Almost instantly the vampires hides the shock in her eyes.

"You know who I am, but I dont Know you, which is odd. All of klaus' witches for the last 500 years have been witches so powerful I barely had to look to find their names. I've never heard of a hope."

" let's just say I found him."

" what witch willingly whores herself out to a mikealson-"

" You're well experienced in that topic after all you did try to fuck two of them. You cocky Petrova doppelgängers don't realize the only reason anyone looks at you is cause you look like someone else. Tell the Salvatore I was gonna play nice but the second the first punch is throwing I'm taking control. Turning her back to the infuriated petrova, who does as expected and goes straight for the witches heart.

Instantly she waves her hand stopping the girl in her tracks. " I'm disappointed Katerina. I've heard so many stories of the great survivor. I've always thought you just got lucky, if Nik wanted you dead, you wouldn't have lasted a year. I mean he's won hasnt he, you "escaped" for 500 years but how many of those years did you really live? How many of those years did you spend looking over your shoulder looking for the big bad." the vampires eyes glare to the floor, as she hears another presence enter the otherwise empty room. " exactly."

Finally the another vampire comes behind her as expected, hitting her head so it all goes black.


" Hello, Niklaus."

" Hello, Mikael. Why don't you come in? Oh, that's right. I forgot you can't."

" Or you can come outside if you want."

" Or I could watch my hybrids tear you limb from limb. All I have to do is rub these two fingers together and they'll pounce."

" The big bad wolf, you haven't changed, still hiding behind your playthings like a coward. You only forget, they may be sired by you, but they're still part vampire, and they can be compelled by me."

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