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chapter fifty nine
xii. fishman island arc

As the monster trio went to fight off the Kraken with a twinge of fear, it was soon replaced with encouragement as Luffy didn't seem the slightest bothered by its appearance. It was admirable of him.

"Woah, that's huge."

It was Luffy's new skill, the infamous 3rd gear that allows him to grow his limbs to large sizes.

"He's doing pretty well." Shoto acknowledged, already aware of how strong Luffy is, especially now that 2 years passed by. He then turned to Brook who was equally just as impressed as the others. "Would you like tea, Brook-san?" He offered calmly as if there wasn't a Kraken in front of them to see.

The man made of all bones generously accepted the cup, holding it by its mini plate beneath it. "I would love some."

"How can you two be so calm?!" Usopp exasperated, wondering just where their lack of fear came from just so that he can learn from them.

"What do you mean, Usopp? We're just having tea." Shoto replied for them both.

"In front of a Kraken?!"

"You know what they say, when there's tea, there's hope." Brook mused. "Yohohoho."

Usopp's sweat dropped.

As Brook brought the cup to his bony mouth, he abruptly pulled it back, startled. He then turned to Shoto who seemed to be enjoying his tea.

"Umm. . . Shoto-san?" Brook earned a hum of reply. "Why is the tea cold?"

The heterochromatic blinked blankly back at him. "The best tea is served cold."

"But, Shoto-san. This is a block of ice."

He flipped his cup, showing as frozen tea fell at the palm of his bony hands.

"No wonder I found it odd when Shoto was suddenly holding a tea set. He would never. And what I mean by never, I mean never."

"There's nothing better than drinking tea under the sea." Shoto seems to have drowned them out as he stared out the soap bubble, admiring the view. Which is the darkness of the waters.

"Never mind him then, he's having his inner peace."

"That's pretty dark." Usopp commented as he looked at where Shoto was staring off at. He'll never really get the boy's interest in things.

As a few minutes passed by, the monster trio successfully returned without a scratch. Although the sight of a chopped Kraken's arm was a little unsettling, it at least ran away with minimum damage.

"That was fun!"

Of course, the only simpleton who would find it fun was their one and only Captain.


And their hopeless swordsman.

"Anyone cares for ice cream?" Sanji suggested as he returned to his kitchen duties. He watched as a gloomy aura draped over the rest of the crew.

"We're good."

And the blonde cook had to wonder where their lack of energy came from. It seems like Shoto was the only optimistic one here for once.

"Vanilla ice cream please." The heterochromatic politely requested.

"Sure." Sanji nodded before looking at the rest of the crew, brows starting to furrow. "Alright, what's up with you guys? Why do you all look so down? If it's about the Kraken, then‐-"

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