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chapter sixty-three
xii. fishman island arc

As expected of the events, it turned to chaos.

Ice was produced left and right and everyone was starting to feel cold. Which Shoto was oblivious to since he was too caught up with fighting. Hell, he didn't even notice that Luffy defeated Hordy until he heard the uproar.

It's been a while since he last fought a horde of people, and seeing his improvements compared to his former fighting style— the change was very noticeable and he was proud.

"Did you know that a serious case of frostbite on your fingers can lead it to being amputated?"

And Shoto was just the type to utter out random science facts in the midst of an intense brawl.

"The human head can still function in a short period of time even when it's decapitated."

The fishmen were shook.

As Shoto delivers yet another fatal blow, he knocked back yet another set of fishmen. And he was going to continue, to proceed and eliminate the identified enemy— but he was pulled back by strong arms, directing his attention back to the present situation.

"What's wrong?" The heterochromatic glanced at Zoro who had an unreadable look om his face.

"Luffy's lost a lot of blood."


Shoto was missing a lot. As he glanced back at the horde he was fighting, all were scurrying away, but to no avail, they collapsed back to the ground. Drained.

"You did well." Zoro patted his head subconsciously. He noticed how Shoto really did grow, he was stronger than before, and he had subtle control on his ice and fire.

"Anyone! Donors!"

Right, Luffy needed a blood donor. Shouldn't people step up? He saved their island despite knowing he won't be getting anything in return. Helping him at least by the littlest bit should be a natural response.

Prejudice beliefs should be casted aside. The problem they have now would be considered as racism in the modern world.

"Me!" Princess Shirahoshi cried out. Literally. Tears were evident at the corner of her eyes and she was basically whimpering. "I don't know about blood types but mine's red!"

Shoto was amused.

"What's Luffy-san's blood type?" He turned to Chopper, kneeling down slightly to reach his eyes.

"Type O."

The heterochromatic lit up. "My blood type's—" his words fell to deaf ears.

"I have the same blood type." Jimbei stepped up from the crowd of people, shocking numerous people. He holds a lot of respect from his people, and seeing him speak up at such events, the fishmen were stunned.

"— O." Shoto's voice faded into the air.

"That's great, Jimbei-san!" Chopper praised before doing the blood donation thing.

Everyone was looking intently, shocked.

"This should let our differences be casted aside. Not everyone from the surface is as wicked as the celestial dragons, and this should set us an example that we, as well, should know it better than anyone else. Like the time that Fisher Tiger saved humans. Let us change."

Jimbei went on his speech. It was honorable of him.

Shoto slowly pulled down the sleeves of his button up shirt. Guess they won't be needing his blood anytime sooner.

"It's nice to see you again after 2 years, Jimbei-san." Shoto greeted politely, a small smile on his face. Just like before, he had saved them. And he holds the uttermost respect for him after all the things he did. He was a good man.

"Likewise, Shoto." The blue fishman smiled. "How has it been?" His eyes then traveled to Shoto's hand. "I see you're still wearing Trafalgar's ring."

"Yes, I decided to keep it. He's a good friend of mine, after all." There was a fond look on Shoto's face and his intentions were truly pure. He still holds a lot of confusion on how things such as marriage works though.

Jimbei heard a different story from what he said.

"Ah, I see." He decided to not speak about it instead, knowing how the heart pirates tend to twist and overexaggerate a story until it seems fit to their fantasy.

"You're wearing who's ring?" Zoro's brows furrowed, he was genuinely confused by their conversation.

"Law's." Shoto calmly raised his hand to show it.

"And you said he was a good friend of yours, right?" Zoro added. It's just a friend, Law was just a friend-- from what he heard at least.

"Yes. Law's a very good friend of mine."

Why did he have to emphasize it? Zoro's poor mind can't comprehend that. Just the thought of the creepy doctor getting involved with a precious crewmember was unsettling enough.

He already made it his duty to look after Shoto.

"What are you two yapping about? Let's go! They're holding a banquet for us." Usopp grinned, directing Shoto away from the mosshead.

Shoto was his bestfriend and he was rather popular with the whole human population. He wonders just how Shoto can handle having that much attention on him, it was scary.

"So, you still have contact with your fiance, Shoto?" Robin approached calmly. "I thought he already learned his lesson." She subtly glanced at Franky's back, making sure the shovel was still there.

"What? Fiance?" Zoro quickly jogged towards them. He hasn't heard about this tea before.

"Who has a fiance?" Sanji chimed in.

"Sho—" before Robin can finish what she was saying, Nami jumped in front of them and waved her hands frantically.

"Shorty." Nami completed her word. "Our friend, Shorty. You don't know him so there's nothing you should be curious about." She sent a wary look towards Robin who only had a mischievous look on her face.

She was definitely plotting Law's downfall.

"Right, Usopp?" Nami turned to the long nose who reluctantly nodded, knowing he'll receive another beating if he worsened the situation.

"Shorty? I thought I was engaged. You know, the one with L—" A hand covered Shoto's mouth. It was Nami again.

"Don't be ridiculous, hehe." Nami forced a laugh. "I told you, right? Someone offering you food doesn't mean you're engaged." She lied. And Shoto was naturally confused before sensing her intentions.


"That's cute, Shoto." Sanji laughed, patting the boy's head. A little relieved? "Anyone who wants your hand should get through us first. And let me tell you, I'm not intangible." He murmured the last part darkly.

"Uh, Sanji-san, I get that you want to protect Shoto's innocence, but that's a little creepy." Brook pointed out.

"Never mind that, I'll prepare food." Sanji shrugged it off.

"You better not be cooking soba again, we just had it a while ago." Usopp whined. Soba was good but having it almost everyday was just not it.

With the crew's behavior now, it doesn't seem like Shoto will be getting married anytime sooner.

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