62. Epilogue

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The very next day of Sia's anxiety attack, Arjun and Ishika were getting married. All through the wedding festivities, Sia became out of reach for me. Obviously, because the crowd was always surrounding me and she used to escape easily. After the wedding, I started to search for her and as if she vanished into thin air, I was not able to find her at all. I wanted to take Sia with me and fly to Mumbai right away and get her checked properly and now this girl...

"Hey, do you guys know where this girl went?"

I asked a few people while showing them her picture and there was no positive answer. In frustration, I pulled my hair out and that was when I heard someone calling my name and it was Ishika who called me

"Sia... she texted me saying that she is going to Delhi and from there she is going to catch the flight to Bangalore. Please Raghav, don't let her go now... please I beg you!"

I held Ishika's joined hands and shook my head and engulfed her into a hug after which I whispered that I will not let her go. Right after, I rushed towards my siblings and their spouse who were busy having their dessert.

"Ayaan quick! Give me your car keys."

"Why would I do that? I saw you have a couple of beer bottles, so I am not gonna-"

"F*cking give me or I swear I will strangle you! I need to reach that dammed Delhi bus station before Sia and get her back!"

As I screamed in frustration, He stood up abruptly and informed me that he will drive. We stormed towards his car and he drove like a maniac to Delhi.

It was already night when we reached Delhi. In that crowded bus terminus, I lost hope that I would ever find Sia.

"Rags, her bus is about to arrive here is the bus number, you stand near the arrival go!"

Ayaan handed over the paper which had the bus number written and I engulfed him into an embrace as hope raised within me while my heart increased its pace as I rushed towards the arrival. When the given number bus arrived, I started to pace from left to right in search of Sia. And when she got down from that god dammed bus with her luggage, I rushed towards her. Yet another time, her eyes widened and she tried to get away from me but I held both of her elbows.

"He... he is right behind you... Antony... he will... Raghav he will kill you! Just leave now!"

I shook my head and enveloped her into an embrace.

"No one is going to hurt us Sia... no one will hurt us. Just... just come with me... We... we will fight him... in court and... we will make sure he is away from us... I promise he will not come near us... no matter what."

I pulled away and cupped her cheeks while I could see her frightened gaze towards me and traveling back to the point behind me. I turned back where her gaze was and Ayaan came rushing towards us.

"It's Ayaan who is behind me, Sia... I promise."

And she crumbled in my arms once again and I held her tight, comforting her, trying to reassure her that it was her imagination and nothing would happen to me.

And that was all three years ago. After I took her out of the terminus while few people recognized us, Ayaan requested them to give us some privacy and not take our pictures. And thank god he managed things, we didn't want yet another page 3 headlines of us yet again. Speaking of which, within these three years, I took a step back from my acting career and with my mom's help I am trying my best to improve my music career, one step at a time, I am trying to focus on what I need to be my real self than being famous. Also, theatre performances here and there worked like meditation. While Sia distracted herself well by joining an advertising agency as a photographer.

Her Rude Fake Boy (Part 2 Of Fake Series)Where stories live. Discover now