Old Memories.:6

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Hello guys! how are you all? I hope you are doing well. Firstly I am happy today I wrote 2k words. I wasn't planning to but it ended up with 2k. I am happy today so I am thinking to continue writing. oops... sorry I forgot I have to complete my assignment... I am sorry...  Also, I won't be uploading anything for 2 weeks as I have my exams and I didn't even open my book yet.. ' ' ---- my poor soul.. anyways I'll come with some more parts after my exams. For time being please read this part and like, share and do comment and tell me how much you liked it.

Third-person pov

It's already the day for their act...

Every student came with their parents. Their competition is at 11 am. All the students participating in the competition were in the green room, they were getting ready with costumes and dialogues.

The school hall was prepared for the competition. A huge stage was prepared with spotlights, curtains, and chairs for the audience and judges. Slowly the black curtains are off from the stage, One of the teachers is the host for today's event.

"Good morning everyone, I ---- will be the host for today's event. Let's give a round of applause for our participants and let's get started with our first participant." The host said to everyone.


3 students are done with their act.*

"Our next participants are Simon and Vinc." The host said.


On the stage...

The stage is decorated with a broad road with nearby buildings and a clinic and a dustbin.

"Yes yes don't worry Mr.X we will make sure our company gets this project" Simon was talking on the phone While eating a burger and coke.


"No no sir please don't worry about this matter I will handle it, sir." Simon continued on the phone while eating.


"Okay, sir I will do everything accordingly."

The phone conversation ended...

Simon was already done eating his burger and coke. His phone started ringing again. He threw the burger wrapper and coke glass on the road n stood there while talking on the phone. Though the dustbin was nearby he threw the wrapper on road. It was Vinc entry now on stage.

"Excuse me, sir." Vinc approached Simon. Simon continued on his call. he didn't hear Vinc calling him.

"Excuse me, sir..... " Vinc said while patting Simon's back.

"Yes sir, Please give me a minute," Simon said while ending his call.

"Sir please pick up your trash," Vinc said Simon while pointing at those wrappers and glass.

"Why ? and who are you to order me? Are you someone from a government or cleaning agency? " Simon said to Vinc and denied to pickup those wrappers.

"I am not from any cleaning agency or any government officer, I am a loyal citizen of this country. I am asking you to pick this up because you threw this over here. Please pick it up and throw it in the dustbin." Vinc said calmly while pointing towards the dustbin.

"But why you are forcing me? If you are facing any problem then pick it up yourself and throw it." Simon said to Vinc.

"sigh* ...... Sir, you look well educated, why do you have to behave like an illiterate one?" Vinc said to Simon and picked up those wrappers from the ground and threw them in the bin.

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