Old Memories.:11

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Hello! How are you doing my sweethearts?❤❤❤ I hope every one of you is doing great.🧡 I am sorry for the late update. I hope you enjoy this part.

3rd person pov

In the darkroom...

Jason continued speaking "Your father is really a tough guy. I advised him to be on my side but he denied and moreover his attitude was on cloud nine." Whatever he said Ancy didn't understand a pinch, all she was able to understand was the only thing that her dad is a good man while this man is not. Ancy asked why she is here and what will he get by kidnapping her. He answered her turning to the window. "Look kid I have nothing to do with you okay? You will be safe here. No one will do anything to you, you are free to eat, drink, play whatever, just you are not allowed to leave this room. I just want your dad to get his lesson that's all. He snatched my love from me how will I not return his gift to him?" Ancy looked at him with confusion, she thought of how to get out.

How was she going to play here and enjoy however she wants. Jason saw her thinking and smirk and continued warning her, even if he said he won't harm her but if she tries to escape, his men won't spare her. Ancy got scared a little she decided to do as Jason said. One of the guards served her food on Jason's order.

Taking a look from the window Jason went back to that time when he and Samuel were friends just because he chose the Black world, Samuel left him. And because of Samuel's good behavior, Esta falls in love with him and Jason couldn't do anything to make her fall for him. His resentment kept increasing which resulted in falling Samuel's business every time. He played so many tricks on Samuel to collapse but after every fall Samuel come back was 10 times powerful. Finally, he decided to harm his family.

In Rodge's mansion.

Samuel received a call after a couple of hours,  "Yes did you get any information?"  The guard on the call answered "Yes sir, Its' Jason behind this." Samuel was flustered, He warned Jason not to interfere in his business but now when he did he has to pay for it. Samuel ordered his men to reach the location he went to his room took his pistol from the drawer and came out. James and Mark already ready with their guns left for the location Samuel's guard texted him. Richelle and Dinah caressed Esta and made her calm down. After seeing guns, the kids were scared, Leona and Calla left to Calla's room Vinc and Simon sat on the couch. They waited there for Samuel and Ancy's return.

Even though Esta is a strong personality she couldn't help but cry. How will she let her only daughter be in trouble? She got up from there and called Emily her most trusted guard. Emily is skilled in Martial Arts, she has learned every type of defence and attack to protect her master. She has been working for Esta for 15 years. She is the first and most trusted and head of the guards. Esta informed her about Ancy's whereabouts and ordered her to reach as soon as possible, by the time Samuel, James, and Mark with their guards were already on their way. Emily was currently in Quebec city for some operation, but she left for the location by the private jet after Esta called.

Emily reached the location. It was an abandoned area. There were two buildings of 5 floors full of Jason's men. Emily took a few guards with her, she explained to them the strategy and their positions for hid and attack. The guards targeted the left building. 5 guards with Emily were near the entrance to the building. Rest 5 were hiding in bushes with guns loaded with bullets. They went inside the building, It was dark 0 vision, they turned their night visions glasses on, Emily directed two men to go ahead, There were some men on the First floor getting some bags of drugs ready for export. Suddenly the bullets started it was from Emily's side they shot those men in the room. With the gun firing, everyone became alert and started searching for the sound with their guns. Emily and the guards shot every person who came in their sight. The only light-emitting was from the rooms of drugs. Bang* Bang* Bang* firing goes for around 30 minutes. After killing all the men in the building Emily burned all the drugs in the room and came out to report Esta.

In the other building, Samuel reached there right after Emily, they rushed inside the building with hands full of loaded guns. The building didn't have much security they were able to make out to Ancy in a few minutes. As Samuel reached into the room where Ancy was tied. He heard someone's voice. "Hello Samuel, my gracious to meet you after a year. I heard you are going to launch a new model this month." All the three men stood there facing Jason. The room was quiet for a couple of minutes. Samuel's eyes were red with anger, he asked Jason what he wanted him to do. Jason continued "What will you do? Do you really think you will come like a hero to save your child and I will let you?... And how dare you to lit up my drug factory? I am going to kill you today." one of the guards attacked Samuel and his team with a wooden rod. They counterattacked them. In the meantime, one of the guards untied Ancy from the chair and escort her to Emily. Emily took her and left with one guard for the mansion, the other guards went inside the building to protect Samuel, Mark, and James.

The fight between them continued both sidemen were injured, Samuel was lying on the floor, a gun was a little away from his hand he tried to reach the gun, Jason saw him reaching the gun, he ran to pick up the gun and he pointed the gun at Samuel's head. Bang*... The body fell with a thud* James shot Jason on his head. He reached towards Samuel picked him up Mark was carried by the guard. They set the whole building on fire. All the bodies, drug packets and everything burned up. They left for the mansion. On the way to the mansion. James informed everyone to get ready with doctors and nurses for treatment.

They reached the mansion in 45 mins. Ancy was already at home 20 minutes ago. She was scared a little she kept hugging her mom since she was home. After seeing her child Esta was relieved, Samuel, Mark, and James came inside the mansion, The doctors started treating them in the living room. The guards who were injured heavily were already taken to the hospital for treatment. Esta, Dinah, and Richelle looked at their husbands and hugged them. Esta thanked all of them for saving Ancy. Ancy was thankful too. None of them was hungry, so all the servants left for their house. Both the families stayed at Rodge's mansion for the rest of the night. Everyone was tired after this long and hectic day. Indeed it was a long stressed and worst day. All the kids slept peacefully in their rooms.

After this incident, Ancy was strictly ordered by her parents to take guards with her no matter wherever she goes. A few days passed and everything got normal again. The kids attended school normally they got engaged in their clubs and events.





Today's part is done. I hope you liked it. Next part I will update soon till that enjoy this part let's meet again. Bye-bye, everyone take care.😊

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