|Twèńtÿ Ñïńę|

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Tyler's POV

I woke up slowly and leaned up,I rubbed my eyes gently with a low groan. Getting up I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower and got undressed getting in. I always loved taking a shower because I felt like the warm water washed away my pain. I felt like the soap cleansed my ugly soul from the things I have done. And when I get out of the shower I feel clean I feel brand new and like a whole new person. But the one thing that a shower can't do is fix cuts and scars. That's the only thing that can't be washed away. I got out and dried my self off and looked at the foggy mirror slowly I put my hand on the mirror and wiped some of the fog off so I saw my face. I hated what I saw so wiped the rest off and got dressed quickly and walked out.
We all met up in the lobby with our bags in our hands
"You all ready to go?" Brooke asked
"Yup,yes,totally"we all answered as Alex signed us out so we could leave.
We got in the van and drove off to our next destination LA it was a 9 hour drive and it was brutal. I hated sitting in the stop lights and waiting for the people to drive by. I looked over at Alex who was staring out the window she rubbed her arm gently and sighed. I nudged her shoe and she looked at me I mouthed "you okay?" She nodded slowly but you could tell she wasn't. So I unbuckled my seatbelt and scooted over to her "what's wrong?" I mumbled
She looked at josh "he's getting jealous...he thinks we are a thing...he yelled at me from last night"
I sighed and looked down "why can't we just be friends"
Alex sighed and looked away "I dunno"
I looked at josh for a moment and wrapped my arms around her "who cares what he thinks"
"I don't want you to get in trouble Tyler" she moved a little so my arm fell down. When we arrived at the restaurant Alex got out quickly and went inside. "Imma go help her " Brooke said walking in leaving me and josh alone.
"What the hell is wrong with you" I said
"What are you talking about"josh got out
"Why are you trying so hard to keep me and Alex away from each other" I pushed him into the car
"Get off me"josh pushed me away "I don't want my girlfriend to cheat on me with some fucking emo loser"
Brooke and Alex stood in the door way mouths agape not knowing they were there.
I looked at him "don't call me that"
"A what...emo" he said "emo,emo,emo"
I started to tear up "stop it"
"What do you call a boy who cuts himself and thinks of suicidal what do you call a boy who feels fine one moment but then feels like nothing the next" josh pushed me more making me fall "a emo...and that's what you'll always be..."
I was pouring tears "I'm not a emo" I screamed
"Just go to the bathroom and cut yourself" josh turned around and saw Alex "Al-" she pushed josh away and went to me
"Just fuck off josh...I thought you were nice I thought you were someone I can trust but you aren't you are sick you are cruel...we are through"
I cried in my knees and got up and walked away rubbing my eyes crying
Alex looked at josh and shook her head and ran to me "Tyler!"
I began to run as fast as possible through the alleys tears blurring my vision
"Tyler please" she ran stopping "Tyler please come out"
I hid behind a wall holding back tears "just go away"
Alex rubbed her arm and walked to my soft sobs "tyler..."
I didn't look up I kept my body close shaking. She sat down in front of me and took my arms away "please don't cry..." I sniffled
"It's true tho..I am a emo loser" I sniffled looking at her. She wiped my tears away constantly "don't think like that" she grabbed my phone and took my case off taking the razor. She put her hand in my pocket and took out a pencil sharper "why do you have all of these things" she pulled up my sleeves and rubbed my cuts gently seeing they were just days old
"It just hurts to much..."I closed my eyes. She wrapped her arms around me bringing me close and holding me tight.
"I don't want to go back" I sobbed in her jacket "we don't have too..."she rubbing my back "we can just walk to wherever the road may take us"
I looked in her eyes "id like that" she smiled and got up holding her hand out to help me up. "Let's go then" I wiped my face and we walked off.

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