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** note: i know the legal age of an adult in skr is 19 but im gonna go by us terms although this book does take place in skr -.- i know things not being accurate is a little frustrating but i'm just going with what i'm used to **

jeongin and hyunjin step into the hwang household and throw themselves onto the couch.

"how was your first day back?" hyunjin asks the younger.

"it was okay," jeongin mutters. "everyone was asking where i was. it got too hard not to say anything."

"but you still kept your cover?"

"yup," the younger sighs. "god, i can't believe i have over a year until i turn 18. i'm tired of junior year already."

"you can wait," hyunjin chuckles softly.

"i'm just tired of everything, ya know?"

"to be fair, your life did just do a 180," the older says.

"you make a point," jeongin giggles. "i did not think i'd be living with a boy i've never met and get kicked out at 16."

"life takes interesting turns, huh?"

"indeed it does," the redhead mumbles, pulling out his phone to kill time.

"um," hyunjin says softly. "d- do you want a snack or do you wanna wait for dinner? sorry if i'm being annoying-"

"no! no, you're not annoying," jeongin says, looking up from his phone. "we can have a snack now," he smiles softly.

"perfect!" hyunjin exclaims happily before leaping out of his seat. "i'll go get some ch-"

all of a sudden, hyunjin's phone starts ringing loudly and cuts off his sentence. he pulls the device out of his back pocket and frowns when he sees jisung's contact name on the screen.

"he never calls instead of facetime," he mumbles before picking up the phone and holding it to his ear.

"sungie? what's going on?"

jeongin watches as an expression of worry appears on the older boy's face.

"hey, hey, slow down a bit, i can't understand you- what? you think- jisung let me- please just take a deep br-" hyunjin huffs in frustration. he feels almost helpless as his best friend sobs on the other side of the line.

a shocked expression paints the older boy's face. jeongin grows curious as to what's going on.

"you think he's cheating on you? sungie, that's literally impossible- no, he's not sick of you! just lis- han jisung i swear to god if you do not listen to me right now."

jeongin giggles softly at hyunjin's frustration. he covers his mouth with his hand so he doesn't disrupt their call.

"minho is not cheating on you. i've known the boy for years and so have you. do you think he'd just throw you away like that?"

the red haired boy watches the older, endeared by the reassurance he gives his friend.

"jisung," hyunjin frowns as he looks down at the floor. "i'll talk to him, okay? i'm sure it's nothing. please don't beat yourself up because he's been a bit distant lately. i'll call him and you can let me know if you need anything, yeah?"

two minutes go by, hyunjin intently listening to the boy on the other end before they both hang up and say their goodbyes.

"what was that about?" jeongin asks, although he kind of got the gist from hyunjin's responses to the younger boy.

"he thinks his boyfriend is cheating," hyunjin explains with a frustrated tone. "he tends to be really negative about himself and overthinks things a lot but it's okay because minho loves him. i know he wouldn't do that to him. he can't. he- i don't know why that boy would ever let go of someone like jisung."

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