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tw // abuse

"you cannot be serious."

jeongin calls seungmin when him and hyunjin get in the car to put their plan into action. the drive is short, but he thought his best friend should know what's happening.

"i am. don't worry, hyunjin's with me. i know you're probably thinking i'm stupid and out of my mind for doing this but i don't know how else to get anyone to believe me and i'm tired of living life in fear," jeongin rambles.

"you ran away from them yesterday. jeongin, they're gonna be pissed. what if they try something?" seungmin says.

"that's why jinnie's here. i'll be okay, seungmin. please don't worry too much."

"please text or call afterwards so i know you're both safe. good luck. i love you, okay? things will turn out better."

"i love you, too, minnie," the youngest says softly. "thank you for being here. i'll talk to you later. we're almost there."

"i'll see you later."

jeongin hangs up with a shaky exhale. he knows how risky this is. even with hyunjin here, he knows that this isn't going to end well. sure, his parents are probably going to get arrested, but he knows he'll feel bad no matter what.

"park up the street," jeongin says. "i'll walk over. call the police right away. you can tell them whatever but make it right to the point. don't wait. if anything happens, please don't come over to interfere. i'll be okay."

"are you sure?" hyunjin says as he drives past the house and as far up the street as he can without it being too far of a walk for the younger.

"okay, fine. if you hear screaming then you can interfere. they usually keep the door unlocked. i'd sit at the bench across the street if you wanna feel a little more comfortable with sending me in alone."

"i'll wait until you get into the house to walk up. text me when you're walking in."

"i will."

hyunjin parks the car with a soft sigh. he looks over at jeongin. a small smile is on his face as if to try and convince the younger that he isn't insanely scared out of his mind.

"you got this. i'll be right there, okay?"

jeongin nods as hyunjin gives his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"thank you..."

jeongin finally leaves the car and begins the short walk up to his childhood home. he isn't thinking about the risks anymore. he's thinking about the freedom he'll finally have.

if this is all it took to eventually feel safe again, then he would have done it sooner.

meanwhile, as the red-haired boy disappears up the street, hyunjin nervously dials the police's number. his heart speeds up with each ring. he doesn't know what to expect.

"hi, my friend has been living in an abusive household and his parents are addicts. he's not safe there. if you guys could get here as soon as you can, it would be appreciated. this is the address..."

once hyunjin ends the call, he receives the text that jeongin had arrived. he walks as fast as he can up to the bench and makes himself seem as nonchalant as possible.


jeongin knocks on the front door with his heart beating out of his chest.

the door opens immediately and reveals the boy's mother. his father isn't too far behind her. a shocked expression appears on the woman's face before it turns to pure anger.

look after you | hyunin Where stories live. Discover now