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the day after their fight, nothing feels real.

jeongin slept over seungmin's place where chan's been staying as well. hyunjin told him it was okay to take his time. unfortunately for jeongin, his emotions wouldn't let him sleep properly if the boy he hurt was under the same roof as him.

this is why he's currently freshly awake on the bed staring at the ceiling in the kims' guest room.

it's 11:30am. their school break had started already, so it's not like he's missing anything. honestly, jeongin would be so happy just to sleep all day, but chan and seungmin will not let him.

well, seungmin won't. chan would. seungmin's parents would probably prefer if jeongin slept all day. they had always empathized with his situation.

speaking of seungmin, as jeongin's going down yet another heart-sinking thought spiral, his best friend barges into the room.

"ever heard of knocking?" jeongin asks dryly. he doesn't look at seungmin. he doesn't have the energy to move, really. yesterday really threw him for a loop.

it seems like all he's been doing lately is jumping over the hurdles of life and just knocking each and every single one over.

yeah... jeongin's not doing well.


"not in my own house, no," seungmin says in a playful tone. "get up, we're doing last minute christmas shopping! channie wants to drop gifts off for the guys at their houses."

"i won't be joining for hyunjin's gift dropoff, that's for sure," jeongin says sadly. seungmin frowns.


"sorry, we don't have to talk about it," the hoodie-cladded boy blinks and brings himself back to reality. he shakes his head as if it'd get rid of the depressing rabbit hole his thoughts are heading in.

"but we do. you always tell hyunjin and all of us not to bottle everything up," seungmin sighs as he sits on the edge of the bed. "jeongin, that's literally what you're doing right now. i mean this with all the love and care in the world... you're being hypocritical.

"you're both valid in your feelings. i see both sides. i agree that space is needed. that's all i'll say for now. please let me in more, okay?"

the younger boy looks at his best friend with an empty stare.

"you want me to let you in more?" jeongin scoffs. "i found out you dated hyunjin not from you but from him. i've known you for my entire childhood and you hid a nearly 2 year relationship from me."

"stop deflecting every time someone's upset with you, innie," seungmin says in a strangely calm tone. "you're right. i'll do better, okay? however, we're not talking about me right now, so i'd appreciate it if we stayed on topic. this is a conversation for another time."

jeongin sits up and stares at his best friend in a stunned manner.


"what?" the fluffy-haired brunet chuckles almost nervously.

"you? being blunt with me? that never happens!"

seungmin rolls his eyes yet laughs softly at the sarcasm dripping off jeongin's tone. he appreciates that the boy can still have good humor when he's being put through hell and back.

"you're right, though," jeongin chuckles. "i needed to hear that. i'm genuinely sorry for doing that i just- god, i've been apologizing so much lately because i-"

"jeongin," seungmin sighs. "it's okay. we all do things we regret. you're actively going through traumatic events and you've been abused for years. i don't blame you for feeling the way you've been feeling, got it?"

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