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cw // brief mention of drugs

"hyunjin, you are not doing anything to fuck with this situation right now," chan says sternly over the phone.

it's now 12am. hyunjin's in the basement while everyone else in the house is asleep.

"i can't just let them get away with hurting him like this, channie! you should've seen him after you left. it was heartbreaking, hyung, he's so hurt by all of this and you expect me to just ignore them and not fight back?" hyunjin says. he doesn't bother to control the volume of his voice.

"if you fight back, they'll eventually know who you are which means they'll know you're taking care of their son and try and track you down," chan says with pure frustration in his tone.

"i don't know what to do anymore! they've hurt him enough! i don't care that i've known him for two months. i don't care that i'm overreacting. he doesn't fucking deserve this!" hyunjin's now yelling. his anger has hit its peak point.

"look, jinnie," chan sighs. he tries his best to make his tone softer so hyunjin will just listen to him.

"i understand where you're coming from. i know you care, i can see it from everything you've been doing for innie and from how passionate you are about this," chan says softly. "you really have to realize how serious this is.

"the yangs aren't just your typical shitty ass parents," the elder starts to explain with an exasperated sigh. "they're absolutely vicious, hyunjin. they're way worse than you know. the emotional abuse and damage goes way deeper than either of us can possibly understand.

"they genuinely will not stop until they get what they want. jeongin probably told you that but he wasn't lying. these people are determined and manipulative, jinnie, and we cannot fight fire with fire. if we do that, we're risking innie's safety as well as ours. it's a lot more serious than it seems."

"oh," hyunjin breathes out softly. "i promise you i knew it was serious. i just didn't know it was this bad. were they like this when you knew him before you left?"

"yeah. it started when he was really young so seungmin and i saw a lot of it," chan explains. "they wouldn't let him hang out with his friends so he started sneaking out at a really young age. our parents knew. they were just too scared to get involved because they were worried about how any involvement would have affected jeongin.

"let me just put it this way: a ten year old boy should not have walked downstairs to the living room to see his parents doing drugs on the couch."

"oh my god," hyunjin feels his heart sink to his stomach. "is he gonna be okay with you telling me this?"

"i mean, i might get a scolding later. it's okay, i would have rathered him telling you bits of his life story but forcing him to do so in the state he's in at the moment would have been a lot more insensitive than telling you was."

"you're right," the younger says. "um, thank you for telling me. i knew it was bad but i never expected it to be this bad, you know?"

"i get it," chan says, exhaustion lacing his voice. "well, i'm gonna lay in my bed for god knows how long so let me know if you need anything, yeah?"

"of course," hyunjin says softly. "bye, hyung."

"bye, jinnie!"

and with that, hyunjin hangs up.


filler chapter >.<

double update even tho i don't think anyone reads this anymore LMFAOOOO anyways

goodnight i love u

- ash

editing ash: the way this was a filler chapter is crazy bc this shit was so silly for what

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