Episode 2

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The Mountain’s Hero
Episode 2:✌︎ 💧︎😐︎☜︎☹︎☜︎❄︎⚐︎☠︎'💧︎ 💧︎✌︎👎︎☠︎☜︎💧︎💧︎

“So- Ben- I’ve been meaning to ask you.. You can trust the Great Papyrus! Are you Human?”(Papyrus)

“What makes you think so?”(Ben)

“You mentioned the surface and also you mentioned monsters tried to hurt you so your human right?”(Papyrus)


“Wowie! My brother and I made friends with a human! I can’t wait to tell Undyne about this!”(Papyrus)

“Who’s Undyne?”(Ben)

“The Captain of the Royal Guard of course! Nyeh heh heh!”(Papyrus)

“So- Royal Guard as in- human hunters?”(Ben)

“Well- I suppose-”(Papyrus)

“Again!? That’s the eight time this month! I only fell down here yesterday!”(Ben)

“Nyeh? What’s the surface like nowadays? Sans told me it was a nice place with a big circle in the blue sky thing!”(Papyrus)

“Oh jeez- you’ve been down here a long time- and I just now realized I have nowhere to sleep.. How much is it to stay at the Inn?”(Ben)

“No need! I, the Great Papyrus, have decided to allow you to stay at my house! You can take the couch!”(Papyrus)

“Oh thank you Papyrus!”(Ben)

“Nyeh heh heh! It’s my pleasure! But first we need to find where my lazy brother went to take a nap!”(Papyrus)

“Yep! Alright I’ll go try and find him- Do you know anywhere he might be?”(Ben)

“He’s probably at one of his Sentry Stations sleeping again!”(Papyrus)

“One of?”(Ben)

“Yes, he has multiple jobs and slacks off at all of them…”(Papyrus)

“...I mean- I only really have 1 job- Which involves a lot of property damage…”(Ben)

“Wowie! What kind of job do you have!”(Papyrus)

“Eh I protect Earth and the rest of the universe.. And almost die a lot- and occasionally do die-”(Ben)

“Wow. You’ve died before too?”(???)

“Can you at least tell me your name if your gonna haunt me?”(Ben)

“....I forget you can hear me.”(???)

“C’mon! Answer m-”(Ben)

“Human? Who are you talking to?”(Papyrus)

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