Episode 12

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So... Yeah it's been 2 months- Sorry about that! Lost track of time, I got busy with me getting covid, then something else, then some other personal stuff but I'm back now and writing a new chapter! This will be the final chapter of Mountain's Hero, I might revisit it doing a Deltarune story but I've been planning and talking with someone, Got it narrowed down to a smaller list! 

Thanks to @LegionCypher85 for helping me with my idea's and making sure I don't do anything stupid in advance with the next story! Cheers, enjoy!

The Mountain's Hero

Episode 12:Battle of the Gods

Last time on Mountain's Hero!

"What? Y'know what.. Just- Forget the speech I'm taking souls now."(Flowey)


"Huh? Why is there a goat?"(Ben)

"I was so tired of being a flower.. Howdy! Chara, are you there? It's me, your best friend..."(???)

"He can see you?"(Ben)

"Unclear, could just be insanity."(Chara)

"A̸̙̕Š̸̖R̵̺͈̖̊͐̒Ȋ̸̻͖̫̈Ę̵̯̱̓̍̿Ḽ̶̿̄̃ ̷͎̪͎̎̽̚D̴͉͗͒̍R̴̛̝̿́E̴̺̿͂Ȇ̸̢͇͔M̷̢̮̹͛̆͆Ů̸̡͖̚ͅR̷̹̝̈ͅŖ̵͇̙̀̀"


*Legendary being made of every SOUL in the underground.

"Oh uh- We kind of gave you free will-"(Ben)

"Omnitrix fully functional."

"You have to be kidding me.."(The Worst)

New Episode Below

A blast of a rainbow from a gun connected with the small yellow alien sending him shooting backwards directly into the barrier before immediately collapsing and rapidly falling downwards clearly in pain but with no visible damages.

"Ben! You alright?"(Chara)

"Peachy.."(The Worst)

He stood up turning back into Ben and rubbing his neck slightly. He reached for his watch carefully scrolling through till he found what he was looking for and pushed the dial back down. Now stood an alien with a body that's overall indigo, with several dark lines and spots, it's hands and face are magenta, and he also sports six magenta shards on his back, two on his chest, and one on the top of his head that resembles a horn. His face consists of a mouth and one large green eye at the center. In other words...


Another rainbow blast was fired at him, the crystals on his body also glowed rainbow beofre he fired back with a rainbow blast of his own right back at the godly goat boy

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