Episode 10

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 The Mountain's Hero

Episode 10:Ah yes, forming a plan and fighting a devil

As Ben Tennyson stared at the strange house he wondered silently why it was so.. Not giant, he expected some huge ass castle, he's met kings before and they mostly lived in castles

"...Why isn't it huge?"(Ben)

"His house?"(Undyne)

"Yeah, I mean like- It's even named NEW HOME for crying out loud- bad name and smaller than my friends car.. spaceship thing."(Ben)

"yeah, he's horrible with names. he wanted to name asriel 'goat child' gast- my dad told me."(sans)

"Of course he did.. Welp shall we save the undergroun- World?"(Ben)

"i'd be honored, doubt i'll be of much use though, 1 damage and 1 defense, karmic retribution won't do much either.."(sans)

"But you could make a blue bone wall or cage right? Keep 'em still while Undyne chucks spears at them?"(Ben)

"Lets kick some ass!"(Undyne)

"wait, what'll you be doing kid"(sans)

"Not a kid- But I'll be shattering the barrier- Probably.. Actually, no.. I have some semblance of a new plan.. God I'm gonna have a tough time justifying this"(Ben)

"Wait you can shatter the barrier?"(Chara)

"Probably, but it'd be easier for a monster to absorb the souls.. Sans would you be able to absorb them?"(Ben)

The skeleton in question froze an image flashing through his mind


A laboratory covered in blood and dust with a younger Sans crying in a corner with a jar with a glowing green soul inside it floating in the air with blue magic emanating from the jar as Sans clutched his head tears pouring from his eye-lids as he glared at something in the center of the room pushing himself further into the corner





"huh? wha-what?"(sans)

"Can you absorb the souls-?"(Ben)

"nah.. doubt it."(sans)

"Right, well Undyne you need to be beating the shit out of a child so you're out of the question for absorbing them.."(Ben)

"Maybe.. I could help there?"(???)


"Actually.. This may work. Flowey if I can get you near the souls will you agree to help us free the human from the players control?"(Ben)

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