Episode 5

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The Mountain's Hero

Episode 5:You look like my friend Ripjaws- Kind of- Eh not really.. Your both just fish

Shortest title ever right?


We arrived at a crossroads kind of thing and I saw a ghost and grinned

"Hey! Blooky! Great to see you again!"(Ben)

"What? O-Oh.. It's you.. H-Hello Ben.."(Napstablook)

"Hey Blookster! How you been? This is Papyrus and this is... Monster Kid!"(Ben)


"Wowie! Hello there friend! I'm the Great Papyrus!"(Papyrus)

"You feel a calming tranquility. You're filled with DETERMINATION"(Chara)

'Where have you been?'(Ben)

"In your mind boOooOooOOo"(Chara)

I stifled a laugh as I smiled at the human ghost

'Welcome back'(Ben)

"Thank you. Remember-"(Chara)

'Stay Determined!'(Ben)

"I was gonna say check out the snail farm-"(Chara)



I pulled Napstablook into a hug

"It's great to see you again, where'd the awesome hat go?"(Ben)

"O-oh.. I- I put it away so I could listen to music.."(Napstablook)

"Ooh, can I hear it?"(Ben)

"The socially anxious ghost fills you with DETERMINATION"(Chara)

'You mean you?'(Ben)

"...iNsUlTiNg YoU'rE gHoSt FrIeNd FiLls YoU wItH iDiOcY"(Chara)

'Aww you called me a friend'(Ben)


'Doubtful buddy!'(Ben)

The Human-Ghost seemed to be getting progressively angrier

'Wait a second.. Have I been dreaming you friggen memories?'(Ben)

The Mountain's HeroWhere stories live. Discover now