Episode 9

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The Mountain's Hero

Episode 9:Asgore Can't Name for the Life of Himself

"I'm sorry. He named his new home what?"(Ben)

"New Home."(Undyne)


Ben asked as he held back the human with one hand, holding back a yawn as he spoke to the fish

"Listen, Asgore couldn't name to save his own life"(Undyne)

"Right.. So there's, the Ruins, a ruined home. Snowdin, where it snows.. Waterfall where water falls, Hotlands where the lands are hot. And New Home which is a new home..?"(Ben)



"...Fuck he has a point.. Toby, how could you make such uncreative things creative?"(???)

Back with our hero

"...Maybe we should just like.. Go? I could take the toy knife even if it's just a handle at this point. We need to get to the barrier right? Even if Asgore tries to kill me I'm pretty durable! I've been stabbed 87 times this year!"(Ben)

"Hell yeah! Hardcore!"(Undyne)

"...It still hurts!"(Ben)

"Oh.. Are you okay?"(Undyne)

"Haha! Physically yes, Mentally no! Anyways let's go!"(Ben)

Ben picked up the human and started walking ignoring the struggling he walked speaking to Undyne as they did so. He was smacked a few times. When they arrived in Waterfall his watch beeped

"Original 10 Aliens Available for use"(Omnitrix)

"...Oh I get it now!"(Ben)

"Get what?"(Undyne)

"The magic from the barrier is interfering with my watch, but the closer I've gotten to it the more aliens I've been able to use.."(Ben)

He took a few more steps

"Feedback, Big-Chill, Brainstorm, Chromastone, Echo-Echo, Goop, Humungousaur, Jetray, Lodestar, Nanomech, Rath, Spidermonkey, and Swampfire available for transformation."(Omnitrix)

"...No Alien X?"(Ben)



"...What's Alien X?"(Chara)

"Oh Alien X is my strongest alien, that's not up for debate it's a legit fact."(Ben)

"..Weird thing to say but okay?"(Chara)

"You don't get to be confused about my aliens! You are a spooky scary ghost"(Ben)

"..It's really weird watching you talk to the air"(Undyne)

"Right- Sorry"(Ben)

"Something smells fishy about this.."(Chara)

"What? Is it Undyne?"(Ben)

"Is what me?"(Undyne)

"No- Well literally speaking yes but no"(Chara)

"Nothing! Then what is it?"(Ben)

"..Wasn't this way too easy?"(Chara)

"Kinda.. But it is a literal child."(Ben)

"Right.. Fair"(Chara)

"...Do you smell Fire?"(Ben)


"...Do you need a bowl of water over your head? Like a reverse Sandy?"(Ben)

"..The one from Spongebob??"(Undyne)

"You know Spongebob!?"(Ben)

"Yeah, me and Alphys watch it sometimes."(Undyne)

"What the frick is a sponge bob?"(Chara)

"Spongebob is a TV show"(Ben)

"Right.. Because I definitely know what TV shows are"(Chara)

They soon arrived in New Home outside a.. White house?

To be continued because I'm a terrible person

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