Episode 8

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The Mountain's Hero

Episode 8:I didn't want to sell my SOUL to this devil..

Right after hanging out with Undyne, Ben's phone rang.. He pulled it out of his pocket confused as he answered

"Hey sans whats u-"(Ben)

"get to snowdin. now quickly. please."(sans)

"I can be there in like.. 10 minutes maybe?"(Ben)

"not fast enough... where are you?"(sans)

"Outside Undyne's house-"(Ben)

A small flash of blue light and the skeleton appeared grabbing Ben by the arm and walking into a wall.

"explain yourself."(sans)


Ben's confusion was interrupted when he noticed something about the skeleton's skull... Was he crying?

"What happened?"(Ben)

"..papyrus is gone. i searched the entire underground for him and i can't find him."(sans)

"...What happened."(Ben)

"it isn't just paps. snowdin is... pretty much empty."(sans)

'No.. no no no! Not again..'(Chara)


'Human nearby.. Jesus its like my head is splitting between two people-'(Chara)

Ben of course shoved Sans and a loud squeak was heard as a...

"Is that a toy knife? Should I be laughing or feel bad? What's your name kid?"(Ben)


"Hey spooky you got this person's name?"(Ben)


Ben heard.. Seemingly a song starting up

"Is that.. Boss music? Like a video game.."(Ben)

Ben was of course surprised to see seemingly the weakest monster summon a bone and impale a child. He was even more surprised that it barely did any damage..

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"...Chara? As in my ghost friend?"(Ben)

That ticked Ben off. A light chiming noise was heard as he reached for his watch. He noticed the child attack Sans with the knife but he dodged

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