Episode 11

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The Mountain's Hero

Episode 11:Asriel as it gets

Vines shot through the ground through every monster in the underground. A loud blood curdling laugh sounded out from a flower

"You IDIOTS. I took the human SOULS! And now, not only do I have those.. BUT ALL OF YOURS AS WELL! Hee Hee Hee! And you know what the best part is? It's all your fault-"(Flowey)


"What? Y'know what.. Just- Forget the speech I'm taking souls now."(Flowey)

The flower then took the souls. Wow epic writing amiright?

epic chiming noise


"Huh? Why is there a goat?"(Ben)

"Just wait for it.."(Chara)

"I was so tired of being a flower.. Howdy! Chara, are you there? It's me, your best friend..."(???)

"He can see you?"(Ben)

"Unclear, could just be insanity."(Chara)

The small adorable goat boy grew instantly into a tall goat man floating in the air wearing something similar to Toriel

"A̸̙̕Š̸̖R̵̺͈̖̊͐̒Ȋ̸̻͖̫̈Ę̵̯̱̓̍̿Ḽ̶̿̄̃ ̷͎̪͎̎̽̚D̴͉͗͒̍R̴̛̝̿́E̴̺̿͂Ȇ̸̢͇͔M̷̢̮̹͛̆͆Ů̸̡͖̚ͅR̷̹̝̈ͅŖ̵͇̙̀̀"

"What did he just say? His text is really glitchy, I can't read it."(Ben)

"Asriel Dreemurr."(Chara)

"The dead goat boy?"(Ben)


That's when the music started which was really nice actually

*It's the end.

FRISK              LV1            HP 20/20

ACT              ITEM         MERCY

∞ATK.        ∞DEF

*Legendary being made of every SOUL in the underground.

Fireballs danced around the shorter human as they barely jumped out of the way


A human sat at a desk with an error screen in front of them as they stared at it confused. It was a dancing dog..

"Toby what the actual fuck..?"(???)


The human turned their head in confusion looking around. They started moving their hands in an attempt at sign language despite the terrifying circumstances

"...Ghost friend do you understand sign language?"(Ben)

"They said 'Where the hell am I!? Why is he attacking me?' I think"(Chara)

"Oh uh- We kind of gave you free will-"(Ben)

Ben said his hand reaching for his wrist when suddenly it let out a loud beep

"Omnitrix fully functional."

"Finally! Alien X here I come!"(Ben)

He announced slamming his hand down onto his wrist hitting the watch transforming in a shower of green light transforming him into a foreign looking being. A yellow, fat, round blob-like alien wearing a pair of green underwear with white stripes on it. He has elephant-like feet with three toes and bear-like hands with three claws. He also has wart-like bumps on his forehead and both arms.

"You have to be kidding me.."(The Worst)

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