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Hello! This is my second book I am working on! Dont worry the Middle school AU will continue!! This fanfic was inspired by a song called Criminal by Britney Spears. No idea why this was what gave me the idea but it was! This will be fun!!! :D This story will be updated a lot slower then my first one mostly cause of school and cause I get ideas at the worst times so hang tight! :) I'ma put character intros so you can have a better understanding of what is going on! OH ALSO!!! This is based around the role play they just look like human ya know? Just a heads up so yall dont be mad- Let me know if Ranboo or Tubbo would be uncomfortable with type of thing and I will take it down :) (Hopefully I dont cross lines cause this will be fun to write ;w;) OH AND MENTION OF BL00D.

Name: Ranboo

Age: 17

Place in gang: Main man (boy). This means he is the main one to go on missions or the one to call first for back-up

Likes: Tubbo. That is a spoiler but its a beeduo story so what do you expect? Also it is based around there platonic marriage in the roleplay. They have said it is romatic so expect flirting and some kissing :>

Code name: Flower. His name is flower because after he kills his target he will draw a little flower with there blood.

School: Nope to popular of a killer to go to school.

Acts: Ranboo is the type of person who seems cold and violent at first but if you can get close with them you will notice how thats just an act cause of what he does. Ranboo is really just a nice and cuddly person! He is also very flirty when either on missions or with someone~ ;) (We know who it is)

Friends: Tommy, Wilbur, Techno, Phil, Minx

Name: Tommy >:)

Age: 17

Place in gang: Hacker. He basically hacks into the systems to help the rest out when going on missions. Sometimes will go on missions if its easy for him to just use his phone to hack into the cameras and other things.

Like: No one he will be lonely like basically everyone else!

Code name: Red. His name is red cause it is his favorite color basically.

School: Stone bridge high. He isnt as known as Ranboo so its easy for him to go. If people ask he lies.

Acts: He is loud when not doing work. He likes to tease his friends a lot. Tommy normally is on his phone of computer spying on his friends if they go out and also to make sure nothing happens to them.

Friends: Tubbo, Ranboo, Phil, Minx, Wilbur, Techno

Name: Tubbo

Age: 17

Isnt in the gang??

Likes: Ranboo (Later in story I mean its a beeduo fanfic what do you want from me?)

(Slight spoiler) Code name: Bee. This reason is he uses poison.

School: Stone bridge high. Just a normal student (for now)

Acts: He is a very nice and caring person! He likes to do things for his friends and make them things. He tries to get the most info on his friends so he can make them things they like! He also doesnt mind blood and stuff. (wont explain that im to lazy lol) He also is flirty sometimes. Its just how he is lol

Friends: Tommy (for now cause he lonely bean)

Name: Phil

Age: 30

Place in gang: Leader. You can tell what he does ->- He does go on missions if needed yes.

Married: Mumza ( we all should know who she is also she isnt going to be mentioned a lot cause Im not writing in that many people -w-)

Code name: Redza. He seems to be violent when on missions. He can be very scary when on missions.

Out of school.

Acts: He is like the father of everyone in the gang/group. When they are working he acts like the boss like he should. But after missions when everyone is mostly done for the day/night he is like the father and compliments how they did or helps them train!

Friends: Wilbur, Techno, Ranboo, Tommy, Minx

Name: Wilbur

Age: 21

Place in gang: Second hand. He goes on missions with Ranboo cause he isnt allowed to go alone just yet mostly cause of his age. He will also do missions by himself.

Likes: Sally (Not mentioned other then him saying she is his gf -w-)

Code name: Silent. He is called this cause he has trained himself to walk perfectly silent to the human ear. He also wears this one pair of shoes when he goes on missions that are quiet when he walks.

Out of school.

Acts: He is a very nice person! He also likes to play guitar in his free time. So when everyone is just chilling around the base he will sometimes play guitar for everyone or who wants to listen.

Friends: Phil, Ranboo, Techno, Tommy, Minx

Name: Techno

Age: 22

Place in gang: Rooftop sniper/shooter. The shooter is for when they use bows in missions because the target is an easy kill.

Likes: No one he lonely like Tommy.

Code name: Blood god. Clearly its obvious why his name is that :)

Out of school.

Acts: He is normally very quiet and stays out of mostly everything. He is very helpful tho when on missions (duh) and when off them. He also is the cook Phil will help but thats only if he needs to focus on something else while he cooks.

Friends: Tommy, Ranboo, Minx, Phil, Wilbur

Name: Minx

Age: 25

Place in gang: Get away driver. She basically is always around on missions so yeah thats it.

Likes: No one lonely bitch.

Code name: Crazy. You should know why ->-

Out of school.

Acts: She is loud. Cusses a lot and drinks when no new missions are given. She drives kinda crazy but not that crazy so they dont get into trouble.

Friends: Phil, Tommy, Ranboo, Techno, Wilbur

Name: Niki

Age: 23

Place in gang: Basically the undercover agent. She works at Tommy and Tubbos school to keep hidden. She uses this to be able to find targets.

Likes: No one at the moment.

Code name: Nihachu

School: Works as the drama teacher at Stone bridge high.

Acts: She is like the mother of the gang when Phil is out. She is very sweet but scary when you get on her bad side or hurt one of her friends.

Friends: Minx, Phil, Tubbo, Tommy, Ranboo, Wilbur, Techno

The first chapter will be out at some point hopefully! I am excited to start this story!!! (I forgot Niki so sorry for the dumb update TwT)

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