~Chapter 8~

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Tubbo's pov

Ranboo and I continued to talk quietly for a while my hangover slowly becoming more bearable as we waited for everyone else to get up. After a while Techno walked into the kitchen just as Ranboo had said some weird thing that should not of made me laugh as hard as it did. I fell out of my seat and onto the kitchen floor.

"Its to early for this what the heck," Techno asked as i got up.
"Sorry Techno we have been awake for maybe an hour?" Ranboo asked looking at me. I just shrugged not knowing how long we have been awake. Techno sighed and shook his head.
"Alright whatever, anyways Tubbo you are making Ranboo soft so perhaps stop winning his cold heart?" Ranboo froze and shot a glare to the back of technos head while i burst into laughter.

"Me? Making him soft? Pfft you gotta be kidding," Techno shook his head.
"Nope Ranboo came out and scolded Minx and Tommy for being to loud because you where asleep," Techno explained before catching a dagger like it was normal. I looked at Ranboo who was just glaringing at Techno hard. "Nice try Ran but I know you," Ranboo grumbled and got up walking out of the kitchen. I stared in disbelief before remembering why that was so normal. I got up and walked out the kitchen to go wake up tommy and left techno to do this thing.

I walked to tommys room and busted the door open. "WAKE UP TOMMY!" I shouted running in and jumping onto his bed.
"AHHHHH-" he screamed. "TOBY YOU DICKHEAD GET OFFFFF!" The blond screeched.
I burst into laughter and got off, "get up im bored of talking to ranboo also school," i said walking over to where tommys uniform laid before picking it up and throwing at him.
"Fine fine- jesus christ. How is your hang over man?" Tommy asked as he got out of bed to change in his bathroom. I followed him to the door and stood outside of it.
"Fine, took some meds when me and ranboo woke up over about an hour ago."
"Damnnn you have been up for a while," i heard tommy yawn at the end of his sentence.

"Yeah techno said i was winning ranboos heart well his cold heart but same difference," tommy laughed.
"Yeah, i wouldnt be surprised about that if you where," Tommy walked out messing his hair up to look at least better.
"Mm well i feel like our 'relationship' par say is just fuck around do dumb shit. Kiss for fun or whatever you know?"
"Well it may seem that way but it could be more to one of you at least, but it would also make sense for the both of you if it was just the whole fuck around thing because why the hell not," tommy for once sounded smart after only just waking up.
"Glad you understand Toms, but do i discuss this with the guy who can actually slit my throat and leave me to bleed out or nahhh?"
"I say talk about it just so you know if you guys are doing this for fun or if it means anything, but real question is.. what do you feel whenever it happens? Does it mean anything to you i mean," Tommy asked as he got his things together. I fell silent to think about his question.

"Dunno, i mean its nice like i like it but i dont know if i like it just because its something new for me to do and play around with or if i actually like him," i explained, tommy humming along showing he was paying attention. "Its more of if i would be upset if it just stopped and it turns out it meant more to me or if i thought 'well that was a good experiment' kinda shit."
"Right, well you figure that out alright? And once you do be careful with the information no matter which outcome it is, just for your safety. And a mention on that, have you texted you mom like.. at all since you did when you asked to stay over?"
I thought for a moment, "oh fuck no i didnt- shit shit shit she might think im dead or something," i got out my phone and texted my mother to just update her a little bit. "Tommy she wants me home today i dont wanna leave youuu," i whined making tommy laugh.
"Well you have to listen to your mother, not your best friend."
"Ughhh ok I'll have to just be gone for a day- how bad can that be?"
"Not to bad i assume," tommy said as we left his room.
"Hopefully.." i sighed and we went to the kitchen seeing food made but no one else there.

"Techno," me and tommy said in unison. I snickered and tommy laughed as we made ourselves plates, we sat at the island and ate our breakfast talking about our plans for the rest of the week and some other random shit. Tommy ended up mentioning ranboo and we then just talking about things related to him which ended up being a lot considering apparently things about him are a bit different since i came around. Other then him being an asshole to most others but other then that some things changed that were very noticeable. We kept talking till we had to leave well, we actually kept talking kinda leaving Ranboo out of the conversation but i doubt he minded. Me and tommy where more talkitive then normal but i never questioned it because what we where talking about was a whole bunch of different things.

When we got inside the school we headed to our lockers, Ranboo just following silently or well we thought at least. Me and tommy put our things away and headed to homeroom before noticing ranboo already in the room and in a seat. I was a bit confused as i thought he was behind us but guess not. I went and took a seat next to the tall and quiet blond. I noticed he had earbuds in and i could faintly heard the bass of his music playing. I roleld my eyes a bit and looked through my things just getting ready for whatever we where doing today in homeroom.

All throughout the day when ever i shared a class with Ranboo he was just quiet? It was odd since we where only just talking this morning, i could of done something and not known but either way i didnt bother with it and let the day go on till the end came. I left class as soon as possible and got my things.
"Ill text you when i get home alright? Cya tomorrow guys!" I said to Tommy and Ranboo.
"Cya tubs!" Tommy replied back. Ranboo seemed to not hear me and wasnt seeming to be interested what so ever. I just sighed and left going to catch the bus as i didnt feel like walking since it was a bit colder today.

[Ranboo's POV]

I pretty much ignored Tubbo all day, i talked to Tommy when only we shared a class but other then that i had my earbuds in not really caring. No idea why but it felt better to ignore the brunette, despite the things we have done already i felt better treating him like i did everyone else pretty much. The reason i say this is because i despise the feelign i get around him, im meant to be the heartless killer of our group not the guy who falls in love with their brothers best friend. I also will never admit tommy is a brother to me like how everyone else is like my family but thats beside the point. Tommy and i left a bit after tubbo did and made our way hime, it was silent till the blond spoke up.
"Alright ranboo whats your deal? Why are ya ignoring Tubs?" I just looked at tommy and gave him a small lie.
"Because im a heartless killer? He is just another person who happens to be in my life because of you," Tommy watched me for a moment.
"You like him, i knew he had to talk to you about things earlier god damn it Tubbo."
"What? Talk to me about what Tommy?" I asked.
"Um well Tubbo didnt know what to do because he didnt k ow if you guys where doing things just to fuck around and experiment or if it meant anything, Tubbo also didnt know what it meant to him so he was suppose to talk to you about it but i guess he didnt," tommy explained staring at the pavement.
"Oh, that makes a lot more fuckin sense actually. Well imnot to sure if i like, liking your best friend so i rather if he doesnt talk to me about it."
"Mm.. ok well uh- how would you feel if i asked phil if he could join us? You know you guys get to actually bond so you figure things out and tubbo gets to help out in killing our targets!" I just smiled at Tommy.
"Thats a smart idea actually, ill back you up on it."


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