~*The Pogues*~

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They lay me down on their dining table looking at all of the bruising that is starting to form and the cuts that are gashing with blood, the girl in the group suggest that she will go grab a cloth and start cleaning my cuts. I try to get up being stressed out not knowing what to do but I'm instantly pinned down by a dirty blonde boy who looks at me with his blue eyes telling me "Your okay, but dont move if you want help" I slightly nod at him while holding back tears of pain while the girl presses rubbing alcohol onto my skin. I grab the sides of the table as silent tears run down my cheeks, they all look at me with horrified looks on their faces. I felt bad that they had to put up with me bleeding all over their house. I fell asleep on the table and they all went onto the porch to speak.

~*Pogues POV*~

"Where do you think she came from? and how did she get that bet up like that's really bad" Pope said looking at John B in shock. "I-I dont know but theirs something about her that rings a bell in my head.." John B said standing up looking at the others "Yeah well I dont like the look of her, she gives me bad vibes." JJ said looking through the window where I layed still, but breathing. "Just give her time to wake up and recover then she can answer any questions we have for her okay?" Kie said angerly. "What if she brings trouble to our door step? Have you thought about that?" JJ argued back to Kiara sending her a glare of frustration. "SHUT UP!!" John B screamed as the 2 just glared at him.  "We will figure this out okay?" He said beginning to calm down slowly. "Okay fine but if someone comes here looking for her or threatening to hurt us? I'm blaming you dude" JJ said while rolling his eyes at John B. Everyone just sat there in silence when y/n tried to sit up.

~*Question time*~

Y/n sat up as everyone started coming into the room. JJ had no hesitation to start asking questions when Kie nudged him then giving him a glare to wait until she started talking. "h-hey uh.. I'm sorry for bleeding through your house.. erm thank you for cleaning me up like seriously I couldn't thank you enough.." Y/n said as the others stared at her. "It's no problem" Kie said smiling at her

 "I'm guessing you guys want to know what happened?.. and why I ended up on your dock?.." I assumed. they all just nodded waiting for me to say something but first Kie decided to introduce them to me.

 "Well before we ask questions I'd like us to introduce ourselves so that we know eachother.." Kie said with a pause as I nod in agreement "Well this is pope, John B and JJ, I'm Kiara but everyone calls me Kie and we are 'the pogues '"Kie stated while smiling, as she said everyone's names they raised their hand to notified me who was who. "well its nice to meet you guys and I'm Y/n" I say trying to smile. 

"Okay okay now that we know eachother.. How the fuck did you get like this?!" JJ Said slightly raising his voice which earned him a hit in the back of the head from Kie "Oh um, Well I thought I saw an abandoned house but someone was in there who was intoxicated and bet me up until I couldn't walk let alone move.. and I uh I was lucky enough to be able to crawl to here thinking it was safe.." I go on while mumbling my words trying not to make eye contact, I played with my rings which had blood all over them causing them to be slippery.

 "Shit.." JJ said looking up to John B, Pope and Kie who were already looking at him. "Can I talk to you guys for a second?.." JJ said grabbing their arms and dragging them outside so they could talk. "Its like a puzzle but it isn't hard.. intoxicated man, abandoned house, beating someone till they cant walk.." JJ said which made the groups eyes light up in horror. "Yep.." JJ said as he stares to the floor which caused everyone to hug up and go back inside.

 "I-I'm Sorry he did that to you y/n.." JJ said, We all head to bed while Kie and Pope go home. JJ stayed at John B's house most of the time, I'm not sure why but I dont want to ask because it might be a bad thing for why he stays here. I was confused when JJ apologized for what happened to be but I just figured he just felt bad for me because of how bad I was beaten up.

~*Authors note*~

Hey Guys sorry that this is a short chapter. It may be longer in the next one but I hope you guys are well :)!!

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