~*JJ and You*~

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This chapter contains ⚠smut⚠ so if you do not want to read then please skip the chapter you wont miss anything!!

As JJ towers over me, I put my arms around his back feeling his muscles tense as he continues kissing my lips. He continues his way down to my neck were I put my hands on his neck as I slightly moan into his ear. I didn't care at this point if anyone was to hear me I wanted him so bad.. I always have. I bring my hands down to the side of his shorts tugging on them a bit so he gets the hint that I want it. "Are you sure?" he says bringing his head up from my neck were he left purple hickeys. I nod in agreement as he slides his shorts off I take off my shirt which had nothing on underneath leaving me in shorts. I slide my shorts down while kissing him, I could feel how he began kissing my neck down to my boobs were he circled his tongue around my nipples. I moan once again as I tense up rocking my head back in pleasure. He takes one of his free hands and takes off my underwear revealing how wet I am. He looks up to me with a smirk "All wet for me huh?" He teases as I nod my head back he begins to stroke his length slowly. He comes back down to my neck kissing it passionately but leaving more and more hickeys. I wanted him to be inside of me so badly "please.." I whisper in his ear as I hold his head into my neck slowly making my way down to his back were I could feel his muscles tense once again which made me moan. JJ begins to stroke his length up and down my opening teasing me once again. "Is this what you want?" JJ teases as he whispers in my ear. "yeah" I moan, not caring about who heard me. 

JJ slowly slides himself inside of me causing my head to rock back and let out a loud moan. I bite my lip as he paces into me as I adjust to his length. I start to pull his dirty blonde hair "oh JJ.." I moan slightly loader as he keeps a fast pace, I hear him groan into my ear as he bites my ear lobe making me moan in pleasure once again, I couldn't be more excited to be with JJ. He just makes me so happy I couldn't be anymore thankful. "fuck.. your tight.." JJ says still keeping his pace, "Only for you" I say slurring my words as he pounds into me. 

My legs began to shake "I-I'm going to cum.." I say pulling his head up, he kept his pace and started kissing me. "your going to cum for me?" JJ says as I roll my eyes back because of the amount of pleasure I was getting from him. "I love you.." I mumble while gripping my hands onto his back as he carried on pounding me. "I love you more.." JJ groans as I cum on his length, he waste no time to cum inside of me leaving me in pleasure. "fuck.." JJ groaned quietly while I layed underneath of him. "you dont know how badly I've wanted that.." JJ said laying down next to me putting his boxers back on proceeding by pulling the blanket over us. I couldn't feel my legs and I dont think I will be able to walk tomorrow.. I guess I'm going to have to deal with it when the time comes, my legs were still so tense as I layed there falling asleep on JJ's chest.  

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