~*Holy Goosebumps..*~

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The touch of JJ hugging me while we peacefully slept calmed me and made me feel safe.. I started dreaming about our future and how good it was going to be since the crazy people were locked up. The next thing we know is Sarah bursting through our bedroom door with shock written all over her face. "What the fuck Sarah?" JJ questioned slowly bringing his head up from his pillow. "I- Uh I need to talk to Y/n right now." Sarah said staring at me, I could tell something was up but I didn't want to cause a scene. She then grabbed my arm dragging me outside walking over towards the hammock. We sat down as she played with her fingers with anxiety. What was so bad that she was this scared? "I know who the father is.." Sarah said looking up to me with tears in her eyes. From the way she looked at me I was horrified, I knew it wasn't JJ's or she would be excited for me but she was down.. cold in fact. "Who?" I say slightly breathing harder holding my head in my hands. "Rafe." She said hugging me. I didn't know what to do I just sat there in shock wondering what I was going to tell the others and if they found out their reactions would not be good. "I need to get rid of this.." I say looking up at Sarah with tears pooling my eyes. "Ill call Kie when I get home, I'm going to pack some things and stay here for a few nights.." Sarah says with an awkward smile. I nodded and headed back inside to see JJ. "what did she want?" JJ said raising a eyebrow before giving me a hug. "Girl secret" I say winking at him with a fake smile. "no fair" JJ said kissing me before leaving to find the boys. 

~*Sarah's POV*~

As soon as I got home I went straight into my room locking my door behind me and began packing. I didn't exactly know what I was going to do after telling Y/n that information, I just hope none of my family find out since Rafe is in prison and my dad is going crazy once again. "C'mon pick up" I whisper to myself biting my lip as the phone rang. "Oh hey Sarah" Kie said through the phone in excitement. "Hey, I just want to say that I got the message from the nurse.. I told Y/n who is was.. she didn't take it very well." I say pacing my room scared to know what will happen next. "Wait as in the father?" Kie questions slightly raising her voice through the phone. "Yes the father.." I say looking through my window were I saw a delivery truck pull up. "Well are you going to tell me? It doesn't sound good so far.." Kie said waiting for Sarah to answer. "Rafe.. Rafes the father." I could tell that Kie's jaw had dropped from the silence that accured on the other side. "No one can know." I say raising my voice at her. Kie agreed on not telling anyone as I explained what Y/n wanted to do with it. As I hung up the phone my door handle started to wiggle as if someone wanted to come in. "who is it?" I say unlocking my door leaving me to see my dad standing in front of me with a smile. "Oh hi dad.. I was just leaving" I say grabbing my bag moving past him. "I'm going to be a grandpa?.." Ward said looking towards were Sarah was headed leaving her in shock. "no?" I played dumb knowing that if he knew it was the end of it. Ward just smiled at me picking up his phone and began to dial a number. "Hey son, Got some news for you" Ward said looking at Sarah with a smile.

~*Back at 'The Chateau'*~

"Hey guys!!" Kie said walking in with Pope. Me, JJ and John B greeted them as we all sat down on the porch waiting on Sarah to arrive. "Y/n!! Kie!!" Sarah says running in puffing as she bent down catching her breath. "Woah whats the rush?" John B says getting up to hug her. "Rafes out.." Sarah explains. "Theres no way.. How?" JJ said getting up. "Ward.." I whisper looking at the floor. the others finally remembered the day of court were Rafe was in a happy mood but why? everything was slowly adding up but we couldn't let them get away with it. "Also Y/n.." Sarah begins now hugging John B. "He knows." No no that cant be right now though? Theres no way Rafe knew I was carrying his baby? "He as in? and knows what?!" JJ said raising his voice for Sarah to answer quickly. "Okay look I'm going to be honest with all of you. That night that Me and the others went out to get 'beer' we actually went to the hospital first." I say looking down. "what?!" JJ said furiously "Look I'm pregnant with Rafes baby!" I yell breaking down into tears. JJ couldn't believe the words that came out of my mouth, I couldn't either. I wish I was making it up. "I cant believe this." JJ said walking out. only John B and Pope got what I said but JJ didn't. He suddenly comes back in and picks me up hugging me tightly as he cried into me. "I'm sorry." He cried putting me down and looking at everyone. "We need to get to the hospital before Rafe or my dad gets to you." Sarah says walking out to the Twinkie as we followed. "Lets go" JJ says as John B puts his food down on the exhaust. 

~*On the road*~

We only needed to take a few more corners before we end up at the hospital. everyone's faces were blank no one said anything let alone looked at anyone, JJ was gripping my hand tightly as it stayed silent. We finally pull up to the hospital but no one was around. It was empty, we looked around confused as we hopped out of the Twinkie hoping to find someone in the building but it was just ghost town. "How is this possible?.." I say looking around wondering what the fuck happened. All we heard was a truck from the distance "Wait that's the truck I saw at my house earlier." Sarah says pointing towards the vehicle as it pulled up. A gun shot fired into the air giving all of us a fright, my heart started racing as I dug into JJ's chest. "Guys.. that's Rafe." Pope explains looking at me. John B nodded his head for me to get into the Van and hide in the back while the rest of them stood there. "Hands up now." Topper says holding a gun to the pogues. "What do you want topper." JJ says gritting his teeth while his hands held high in the air. JJ then grunts as the back of his leg was kicked down by Kelce. "how do you like a gun held at your head?" Topper smirked holding the gun to JJs head while Rafe emerged from behind, holding a m16. "Look we dont have anything for you Rafe" Kie snaps at him rolling her eyes. "who said I wanted something, I'm just collecting whats mine.." Rafe smirked pointing the gun at John B for him to open the van. "Is she in here?" Rafe questioned looking at the pogues as they stood still. "If you lie to me your all going to have a gunshot wound by the end of the day." Rafe says looking at them. "Okay look yes.. but I cant promise that" Sarah says with hesitation while looking at the others who glared at her to shut up. Rafe then opens the door to find nothing but an empty van. "Where is she!?" He yelled shooting into the air once again. "We dont know!!" Pope screamed holding his eyes shut.  "I swear if I find out your lying" Rafe instructs while gritting his teeth pointing the gun at John B's foot about to pull the trigger. "Rafe!" I yell making everyone's heads turn in confusion. "Y/n what are you doing!?" John B yells in anger. "Risking my life for my family.." I say getting on my knees with my hands in the air waiting to be shot. "No!" they all scream as Rafe walks up to me. I felt small tears slip from my eyes as I squint them shut. I felt hands grab me picking me up and take me somewhere. "Be careful of her I dont want my baby to be hurt.." Rafe says smirking at JJ as he walks to the truck to help Topper with me. Kelce still had a gun in his hand pointed towards the pogues. By the words Rafe had said I knew that JJ  was crying inside and out. 

"Dont worry we're just going for a short ride.." Rafe says kissing my cheek while tying me down on one of the seats. "No I dont want to!" I scream as I see the pogues slowly fade away as the truck takes off. "JJ!" I scream as I sob into the char. "Dont worry baby a pogue doesn't deserve you." Rafe says looking over to me smiling. "Neither does a murderer." I state, Rafe looked at me in complete shock from the words I said.  "Dont you ever fucking say those words ever again.. Do you hear me?!" Rafe yells as he slaps me in the face. "So much for not letting his baby get hurt.." I whisper under my breath as we see a boat  dock in the distance. "No I'm not getting onto a boat with you Rafe" I say glaring into his eyes. "Looks like the princess doesn't have her prince to save her." Topper says laughing with Kelce in the back. I couldn't do anything, I mean I'm tied down not having access to anything. "Your lucky I'm tied down Topper." I say glaring at him through the front mirror. "Your hits are weak anyways.." Topper argues back. "Oh really want a bet? Rafe untie me so I can show one of your bitch friends how to fight." I say not taking my eyes from Topper. "Enough! Alright?!" Rafe yells "See even  Rafe knows I could hit harder than you that's why he isn't untying me." I smirk as Topper gets more furious. "Your just another slut that thinks the world resolves around her." Topper snaps "Oh really now?! Name a way that I'm a slut I dare you" I attack back. "Your pregnant with Rafes baby and you have a boyfriend, maybe explain that huh!?" Topper yells as Rafe pulls his hat slightly down. "What?" Topper says to Rafe. "Want me to tell them?!" I yell at Rafe while he stayed quiet focusing on the road. "Well then, your so called 'friend' here kidnapped me with Barry and Josh and two of them decided it was a good Idea to do what they did!" I yell while tears begun to roll down my face once again. 

Topper looked at me then to Rafe. Kelce just sat there quietly, processing what he had just heard. "I cant believe you.." Topper said ashamed of what he had said before. 

~*Authors note*~

oop, Yes I know and I am aware that my writing is horrible lol 

just doing these for fun ig :/

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